Wyman’s of Maine Brings Positive Energy, Great Food to DETOP

Wyman’s of Maine Brings Positive Energy, Great Food to DETOP

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Last month, Wyman’s of Maine, “a family-owned company with a heritage of leadership in the growing and marketing of Wild Blueberries,” hosted a Downeast Table of Plenty (DETOP) Sunday Supper.

In a thank you note to Wyman’s Human Resources Director April Norton, Mission Director of Service Programs Wendy Harrington said Wyman’s “brings such positive energy and great food. I think the word gets out each time you do it. We have such a crowd attending your Sundays,” said Director Wendy Harrington.

“We love doing the DETOP dinner,” replied Director April Norton. “The people in our community are fantastic people and I really enjoy getting to know them more and more every time we do this.”

The Table of Plenty takes place in the Weald Bethel Community Center on the Downeast Campus every Sunday from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. About 75 to 100 people attend each week.

Learn more.

Mission Scholarships Awarded at Presidents Scholarship BBQ

Mission Scholarships Awarded at Presidents Scholarship BBQ

BAR HARBOR, ME — After a several year hiatus, the Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship BBQ, revived and renamed the Presidents Scholarship BBQ, was held earlier this month on the College of the Atlantic campus in Bar Harbor.

Several Mission presidents were in attendance, including Scott Planting (this was one of his favorite events during his tenure) and current President John Zavodny.

College of the Atlantic President Darron Collins welcomed the Mission scholarship recipients. All of the Presidents offered the students, headed off to different colleges, their best advice!

Learn more about the Mission’s Scholarships Programs.

Front Street Shipyard’s Eye-Opening ‘Sunbeam V’ Re-fit Photo Update

Front Street Shipyard’s Eye-Opening ‘Sunbeam V’ Re-fit Photo Update

Photo courtesy Front Street Shipyard, Belfast, ME

BELFAST, ME — Front Street Shipyard today tweeted this eye-opening photo and update on the Sunbeam V’s major routine refit.

Kids Out of Comfort Zones, Into New Fresh Food Prep, Tasting

Kids Out of Comfort Zones, Into New Fresh Food Prep, Tasting

CHERRYFIELD, ME — This photo taken at a recent EdGE Kids’ Kitchen Summer Camp show Rose M. Gaffney Elementary students outside their comfort zone, trying new foods, and learning cooking skills, food preparation, and cutting skills.

The Mission takes a multi-faceted approach to reducing hunger and the threat of hunger in western Washington County.

We know different populations experience different obstacles to obtaining enough food. The challenges a third-grader faces are not the same as those encountered by an eighty-year old.

Our food programs go beyond simply delivering quality food. Each program promotes social interactions, builds a sense of community, and encourages learning about nutrition, trying new foods, making healthy food choices, and talking about food and nutrition. We hope to impact area residents’ eating habits, including the next generation’s habits, in order to create a stronger, healthier, and more informed community.

Learn about EdGE Summer Camps and the Mission’s Food Programs/Services.

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