
Beginning in 7th grade, the Journey program provides students six years of deep mentoring with professional staff, community members, and older peers.

Downeast youth participating in Journey explore the outdoors and their communities to develop the tools needed to successfully transition to high school and through higher education and career pathways. The program provides individual support, outdoor excursions, immersive experiences, access to professionals, college exploration opportunities, preparation workshops, and help applying for scholarships.

Participating students benefit from our close partnerships with local middle and high schools, colleges, and community organizations.

Journey is made possible by the Rural Futures Fund and its mentoring-based initiative, Aspirations Incubator, designed to raise and sustain the aspirations of rural Maine middle and high school students.

Journey welcomes adults to serve as mentors. Sign up today if you would like to be involved.

A group of smiling teenagers stand in front of a sign that reads "UNE University of New England"

In 2023, 82 students ages 12 to 18 participate in the program and the first group to complete all six years of the program graduated from high school. 

Our work is your work, made possible by your generous gifts.

No matter how hard times get, the Mission will be there, helping sustain and strengthen families and communities. Please join us. Your donations bring warmth when it’s cold, shed light where it’s dark, and give strength when burdens grow heavy.

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