You can make a measurable difference in life for the people of Downeast and the outer islands of Maine by volunteering with the Maine Seacoast Mission.
As a volunteer, you are an essential part of our important work. Join us! Volunteers have been a major force in the Mission’s work dating back to 1905. We welcome volunteers of ages, abilities, beliefs, race, and ethnicity.
We have opportunities to suit every person and skill set. Numerous options exist in our Northeast Harbor offices of the Colket Center, just in view of the beloved Sunbeam. These include working with our extensive archives, entering data, and more. Our Downeast programming and Cherryfield campus has a wealth of volunteer opportunities as well. One can partake in activities with kids through our EdGE program or welcome newcomers to the Downeast Table of Plenty. Options also range from delivering food for our Food Security program to wrapping presents for the Christmas.
Want to get involved but unsure where to start? We can match your interests to our programming. Please join our community today.

Our work is your work, made possible by your generous gifts.
No matter how hard times get, the Mission will be there, helping sustain and strengthen families and communities. Please join us. Your donations bring warmth when it’s cold, shed light where it’s dark, and give strength when burdens grow heavy.
Contact us to donate, volunteer, or arrange for planned giving.