CHERRYFIELD, ME — Sunbeam Steward Jillian sends this photo from a recent Downeast Table of Plenty serving table with a note: “Wow. We are like kings.” Jillian is referring, of course, to the many DETOP meals, prepared and served by volunteer hosts, that are meals fit for a king.
Agreed! DETOP is held Sundays at the Mission Downeast Campus’s Weald Bethel Community Center. People from every segment of the community attend, and music, conversation, and laughter preside. People who use the food pantry sit with people who fund the food pantry. Two-year olds sit next to ninety-year olds. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.
Every Friday morning, 9:30 – 11:30, our Downeast Campus Weald Bethel Community Center, Cherryfield, ME opens its doors for anyone to enjoy coffee, goodies, and a chance to visit neighbors.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Geri Valentine will be holding a six-week yoga series starting Monday February 4th at the Maine Seacoast Mission’s Downeast Campus Weald Bethel Community Center, 8:30 am to 10:00 am.