It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to Good Shepherd Food Bank.
Good Shepherd helps the Mission provide healthy, nutritious food to thousands of people in Washington County. They help us feed people who can’t quite make ends meet. People who make difficult decisions each week or month about what bill to pay: rent, electricity, heat, gas, car repairs, a trip to the doctor, medicine or food.
The caring, capable, and knowledgeable staff at Good Shepherd have provided the support the Mission needs to stock our food pantry, and expand our reach to schools, families, and the elderly.
“Often, when I speak with a Good Shepherd staff member,” said Mission Service Program Director Wendy Harrington, “they thank me for everything my organization and staff do to help feed people in our community.”
The Mission would like to say “thank you” back. Thank you for taking such good care of us and the people we serve.
This is what community looks like.
On the web – https://www.gsfb.org/