Sarra Bridges: Update on Our First Angus Macdonald Scholarship Recipient
Bar Harbor, ME — Mission Scholarship Manager Terri W. Rodick keeps in close touch with the students she’s come to know through our Scholarship Program. Recently, Terri invited student scholarship recipients to share with Mission friends, their success stories and photos.
Here’s a March 16, 2017from Sarra Bridges, our first Angus Macdonald Scholar.
“One exciting thing for me at Colby [College] this year has been my campus job with Student Health on Campus (SHOC). I have taken a leadership role organizing one of largest events that occurs each semester: Stressbusters. The event takes place during the last week of the semester before finals — and many students participate.
“Our aim is to help students relieve some of the stress that inevitably comes along with finals. We have piñatas, wood chopping, dogs people can pet and play with; people can make their own stress balls to keep, and many more things! We are constantly improving this event by adding different things [or] revamping things we’ve done already.
“I have also been on a sup[port]-group in SHOC focused on programming around drugs and alcohol. We just piloted a program we’ve been working on all year which will potentially be called I Care. It is focused on community and the drinking culture.
“It is mainly about how we, as students, can work on looking out for each other, making sure everyone has fun — but stays safe — at Colby. We emphasize the point that we all impact each other’s experiences here, and we want to make sure that impact is positive.
“Next year, I am taking on an event bigger leadership role as co-president of SHOC. I was approached by the current co-presidents about it and I am very excited for this opportunity to make an even bigger impact.
“Sarra Bridges/ Colby College ’19”