It’s Thank you Thursday and today’s shout out of Mission Love goes to the Area Interfaith Outreach Pantry and Emergency Services.
AIO was started 30 years ago by a group of congregations in the Midcoast who came together around the idea of creating a supportive place for Knox County residents who need of food or energy assistance to go.
When Covid-19 prompted much less to-and-from traveling to Maine’s unbridged islands, AIO worked with Maine Seacoast Mission and Penobscot Island Air to keep the North Haven and Matinicus Island Food Pantries restocked and residents in need fed. When your food pantry is 22 miles at sea from the mainland, fresh food availability is all the more essential.
The Mission Island Health Services Director Sharon Daley said, “AIO and Penobscot Air have gone out of there way to make these food deliveries happen and are willing to think out side the box to do so. When fog came in Penobscot Air had to store the food in their freezers, transport it to a ferry, and load it on a truck. Getting food there is a team effort of AIO, Penobscot Air, and island volunteers.”
The Mission greatly appreciates AIO’s mission to respectfully and compassionately support those in need in Knox County with food and energy assistance.
ISLESBORO, ME — Kevin Waters ran Penobscot Air as he did his own life always the best he could do with hard work, respect and love. He expected the same of his employees and that makes Penobscot Air so special. Kevin’s big heart was evident in all he did. His work ethic, kindness and willingness to do what ever it took to make things happen. He gave himself and his love freely and was never afraid to show his emotions, his eyes filled with tears over happy and sad occasions.
He loved the islands and the people and was certainly loved in return. Kevin did so much good that he did quietly because it was the right thing to do and no one ever knew about it. He would be amazed to hear how people are honoring him, he was so humble. Kevin leaves a big hole in our lives, but I think he leaves an even bigger lesson for us as to how we should be, the world would be a better place with more Kevins. To remember Kevin with his great smile, his bear hugs and his “God loves ya you do good work” will always be there for us and many others.
Sharon Daley, RN – Island Health Services Director
Douglas Cornman, MA, BC-DMT – Director of Island Outreach and Chaplain
MATINICUS ISLAND, ME — With the Sunbeamout of the water for a refit, and our temporary boat, Moonbeam, out of the water for the cold weather months, the Mission has partnered more often with our allies Penobscot Island Air, to carry out work on some of the islands. May 11, 2020’s air trip to-and-from Matinicus Island to restock the food pantry is a case in point.
Standing on the ground at Matinicus Airport, watching the Penobscot Island Air plane land and depart is something to see — and not many people get to see it happen.
Here’s a short clip made in January 2018 during a Sunbeam telemedicine visit to Matinicus. A New York Times writer and a photographer were on board for the three-day trip. They asked to see the Matinicus Airport. While we were there, the Mission’s communications and marketing guy shot this clip with an iPhone. The plane is arriving from Rockland, ME, delivering the island mail and a school superintendent.