Mission’s Initial College Exploration-Engagement Retreat a Success

Mission’s Initial College Exploration-Engagement Retreat a Success

BAR HARBOR, ME — These photos are from our initial CEECoast College Exploration and Engagement retreat the Maine Seacoast Mission (MSM) hosted, June 30 to July 2 at College of the Atlantic (COA) in Bar Harbor.

A dozen wonderful sophomores from Sumner and Narraguagus High Schools were selected to participate in this college readiness program providing mentoring and support as the students transition to and through college.

During the retreat the students enjoyed the beautiful COA campus, toured the college’s Beech Hill Farm, which is a working farm growing fresh vegetables, participated with COA professors in workshops, did team building activities and an art project.

Along with MSM Program Director for New Education Initiatives Christina Griffith, MSM Scholarship recipient and recent Husson University graduate Tristan Alley, and MSM Scholarship recipient and EdGE Journey Coordinator Briana West served as chaperones during the retreat.

To learn more email Director for New Education Initiatives Christina Griffith at [email protected].

Mission Scholarships Awarded at Presidents Scholarship BBQ

Mission Scholarships Awarded at Presidents Scholarship BBQ

BAR HARBOR, ME — After a several year hiatus, the Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship BBQ, revived and renamed the Presidents Scholarship BBQ, was held earlier this month on the College of the Atlantic campus in Bar Harbor.

Several Mission presidents were in attendance, including Scott Planting (this was one of his favorite events during his tenure) and current President John Zavodny.

College of the Atlantic President Darron Collins welcomed the Mission scholarship recipients. All of the Presidents offered the students, headed off to different colleges, their best advice!

Learn more about the Mission’s Scholarships Programs.

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