Join Us for a Film, Discussion on the Power of Food to Build a Community

Join Us for a Film, Discussion on the Power of Food to Build a Community

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Join us for a screening of the new documentary Six Primrose, which tells the story of how food brought a Canadian community together, while providing insight into how something similar can happen at Maine Seacoast Mission’s Downeast Campus.

For years, the neighborhood of Dartmouth North has struggled with high rates of food insecurity and isolation. In 2014, the community rallied to build a vibrant Community Food Centre where people come together to grow, cook, share, and advocate for good food for all.

Filmmakers John Hills and Hannah Minzloff of Truefaux Films were there to capture the changes that ensued: a parking lot transforms into a community garden, an empty building fills with the smells and sounds of people making food together, strangers turn into friends, and together, residents start to push for change.

Through the powerful stories of Amanda, Jessica, Charlie, Oras, and Ken, community members who are all struggling in different ways when they walk through the doors of the Dartmouth North Community Food Centre, we see how vibrant spaces and programs can change people’s lives, and contribute to healthier communities.

Join us at the Weald Bethel Community Center, Cherryfield, ME, after the screening for a discussion on how issues of food insecurity, poverty, and isolation are affecting our community, ideas to address those issues, and how you can get involved.

Six Primrose was created by Truefaux Films. This screening is presented by Maine Seacoast Mission. For more information contact Wendy Harrington by email [email protected] or by phone: 207-546-5867

Watch the trailer for Six Primrose:

Live Family Feud at Weald Bethel Community Ctr to Benefit Ark Animal Shelter

Live Family Feud at Weald Bethel Community Ctr to Benefit Ark Animal Shelter

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Downeast Campus Facilities Manager Scott Shaw is spreading word of a Live Family Feud Fundraiser this Saturday, Feb. 22, on behalf of The Ark Animal Shelter, Cherryfield, ME, at the Mission’s Weald Bethel Community Center.

According to The Ark’s mission statement, “Since 1984, the ARK has been committed to providing compassionate care and placement of homeless animals, alleviating overpopulation of companion animals by promoting low cost spay/neuter programs, and promoting and improving the welfare of all animals through community outreach and education. The Ark is a nonprofit IRS 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to the care of homeless, unwanted, or displaced animals. As a no-kill shelter, The Ark does not euthanize unless a serious medical or behavioral problem exists.”

The Live Family Feud is hosted by local artist Maeve Perry. Ms. Perry’s art work is currently on display at the Weald Bethel Community Center.

Local artist Maeve Perry

A Happy 90th Birthday Party at Weald Bethel Community Center

A Happy 90th Birthday Party at Weald Bethel Community Center

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Happy 90th Birthday to Ramona West. Daughter Brenda Duggan rented the Weald Bethel Community Center for this special occasion. There was a strong showing of family and friends for Ms. West. Happy Birthday!

Downeast Campus  Community Highlights: 2019–2020

Downeast Campus Community Highlights: 2019–2020

A few of the many talented, creative, and hardworking volunteers with our Housing Rehabilitation Program.

CHERRYFIELD, ME — We asked Mission Director of Service Programs Wendy Harrington for her short list of 2019 highlights among the Downeast Campus programs and activities, as well as, what we can look for at the Downeast Campus in year 2020. A key 2019 accomplishment was the completion of the Downeast Campus Strategic Plan which you’ll be hearing more about in the coming months.

2019 Highlights

  • Completed Downeast Campus Strategic Plan.
  • Launched the Downeast Maine Tiny House Project.
  • Launched the Good Neighbor Fund – a financial assistance program for EdGE Families – and began working with families to advance their goals.
  • Continued to advance our programs combating childhood hunger through EdGE schools, Farm Share, weekend backpack program, and summer meals.

2020 Vision

  • Continue Housing Rehabilitation and weatherization work with Downeast Community Partners and explore new opportunities with them to further address housing issues.
  • Complete initial Downeast Maine Tiny House project within the first quarter of 2020.
  • Build on the strengths of established programs to offer more integrated support for EdGE families and others, using a multi-generational approach and a Family Food Center model of coordinating resources to advance positive change.
  • Convene Community Circles, advisory groups of community members and program participants, to help develop our family engagement programming and the Family Food Center model.

Stay up-to-date on our Downeast Community Campus work on the Mission blog and our social media pages.

Mission College Readiness Students Help Out with Elves’ Workshop

Mission College Readiness Students Help Out with Elves’ Workshop

CHERRYFIELD, ME — We had five Class of 2022 college readiness students from Sumner and Narraguagus high schools assist with the Elves’ Workshop at Weald Bethel on Saturday, December 14th. Heavy rains did not deter their giving hearts! They unloaded and then sorted a van-load of donated toys, assisted families with selecting presents for their children, and selected and wrapped presents to be delivered to other families.

We were so grateful to Christmas Program Manager Marilyn Nickson and her team for welcoming us. Before we left, one of the students asked if we could assist again next year. So I think this may well become an annual tradition in our program.

One note on the student holding the MSM sign. Before assisting, we gathered in the EdGE Center for a bit of holiday cheer and a simple gift exchange. This student drew this MSM sign to give to a fellow student. Wonderful!

Christina S. Griffith
Director of Student Pathways
Director of Davis Maine Scholarship
Maine Seacoast Mission

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