A few of the many talented, creative, and hardworking volunteers with our Housing Rehabilitation Program.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — We asked Mission Director of Service Programs Wendy Harrington for her short list of 2019 highlights among the Downeast Campus programs and activities, as well as, what we can look for at the Downeast Campus in year 2020. A key 2019 accomplishment was the completion of the Downeast Campus Strategic Plan which you’ll be hearing more about in the coming months.
Launched the Good Neighbor Fund – a financial assistance program for EdGE Families – and began working with families to advance their goals.
Continued to advance our programs combating childhood hunger through EdGE schools, Farm Share, weekend backpack program, and summer meals.
2020 Vision
Continue Housing Rehabilitation and weatherization work with Downeast Community Partners and explore new opportunities with them to further address housing issues.
Complete initial Downeast Maine Tiny House project within the first quarter of 2020.
Build on the strengths of established programs to offer more integrated support for EdGE families and others, using a multi-generational approach and a Family Food Center model of coordinating resources to advance positive change.
Convene Community Circles, advisory groups of community members and program participants, to help develop our family engagement programming and the Family Food Center model.
Stay up-to-date on our Downeast Community Campus work on the Mission blog and our social media pages.
Sunbeam V refit celebration in October 2019 at Front Street Shipyard, Belfast, ME
BAR HARBOR, ME — Here are some of the highlights of what we expect when our mighty vessel, Sunbeam V, is back in service:
Modernized navigational suite including automatic identification (tracking) system (AIS), a more powerful radar, and better chart plotter functions.
Quieter and more fuel-efficient generators.
Sound attenuation technologies on engine room bulkhead to further reduce noise transfer.
Upgraded galley with full cooking exhaust capabilities and new appliances.
New ventilation system to deliver fresh air to lower cabin areas in warm weather.
Low draw LED lighting throughout the boat with adjustable warmth and brightness.
Rigid bottom inflatable tender to allow safer launching in adverse weather. The Sunbeam V’s tender is a boat used for transporting people or supplies to and from shore or another ship.
More extensive dry and cold food storage – all on main level for better access.
Engineered heating system for better distribution of heat and unlimited hot water.
As we all count blessings this Christmas season, let me take a moment on behalf of the Maine Seacoast Mission to express our gratitude
Whether you are a community member, board member, donor, volunteer, staff member, or partner, let us celebrate our common purpose and dedicated work during this season of faith and love — work that provides the warmth, resilience, and possibility that strengthens us all.
We are deeply grateful for you, and for the compassion you show for the people and communities of Downeast coastal Maine and the unbridged islands.
Thank you from all of us at the Seacoast Mission. I wish you joyous holidays and a New Year full of hope.
Island Outreach Director Douglas Cornman ties up the ‘Moonbeam’
Mission crew walking to Frenchboro church from Frenchboro dock
The Nativity pageant
Mission President Zavodny accompanying Christmas caroling
The Brightest Star – Jillian
Christmas presents for Frenchboro children
Singing Christmas carols.
NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME — On Friday, December 20th, The Moonbeam, crew (Storey, Jillian, & Douglas), and two special guests – Mission President John Zavodny and Communications Associate Hunter Billings – traveled to Frenchboro through some rough seas and cold to offer a Christmas service, including a Nativity pageant.
All of the Frenchboro children and almost all Frenchboro’s adults joined us at the Frenchboro Congregation Church. Natalie Hyde-Peterson, Frenchboro’s Island Institute Fellow, turned on the church heat prior to our arrival so we could worship and celebrate together in the church.
John graciously agreed to bring along his guitar to accompany the hymns and carols. He is quite skilled on the guitar. His carol singing accompaniment may become an annual Christmas tradition.
Hunter, Storey, Douglas and Natalie lit candles around the church to help set the holiday mood.
Douglas asked the kids (and a few parents) to portray characters from the Nativity. There was Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus (played by the island’s youngest resident), along with angels, shepherds, and the three Magi.
Douglas shared with the congregation, just prior to starting the service, that the Nativity pageant could either “go like clockwork” or “be a little chaotic.” The pageant was some of each, but absolutely perfect and adorable. Douglas narrated the pageant, while Jillian directed from the back of the church. Jillian also had a guest appearance as the Brightest Star.
The evening ended with Douglas handing out the Mission’s gifts, wrapped in white paper with red string, to all the youngsters. The kids were overwhelmed with joy, especially one young lad who had received a toy Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Douglas had delivered the gifts to the island’s elders on a previous trip to the island.
After the service, Jillian offered apple cider and a tray of homemade cookies for folks to enjoy.
Photos by Mission Communications Associate Hunter Billings
ISLE AU HAUT, ME — On December 19th, Isle au Haut children put on their annual Holiday Spectacular; Mission Island Outreach Director Douglas Cornman led the community in the annual Christmas service.
A community potluck prior to the program turned out approximately 100 islanders and guests.
The Christmas service included Douglas reading the account of Jesus’ birth from Luke’s Gospel. He was accompanied by some pretty hearty cooing and babbling from one of the babies. It was cute and I’m sure challenging for Douglas.
Douglas and Island Institute Fellow, Molly, led the group in singing traditional Christmas Carols.
Douglas and Sunbeam V Steward Jillian arranged the Mission’s traditional white-wrapping-red-string presents for every island kid under the tree. At the end of the evening Douglas stood in for Santa.
Every island kid received a hand knit sweater, mittens, and/or a hat. Lots of oohs and aahs at the gorgeous knitting. Director Cornman said afterwards, “These amazing kids love getting the knitted items more than they seem to like the toys.” And every island Kid got a congratulatory rose from their teacher, Marcella.
CHERRYFIELD, ME. Mission Director of Service Programs Wendy Harrington sends this photo and a thank you note.
“The holidays are a busy time at the Food Pantry. Thanks to many generous donations from individuals and local grocery stores we are able to provide food for a holiday dinner and more,” said Director Harrington.
Learn more about the Food Pantry and all the Mission’s food security work.