by maineseacoast | Mar 16, 2020 | COVID-19 Updates, Island Health, Island Outreach, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam

L-R: Island Outreach Director Douglas Cornman, Island Health Director Sharon Daley.
BAR HARBOR, ME — With COVID-19 precautions in mind, the Sunbeam’s Island Services team (Douglas, Jillian, and Sharon) are suspending our regularly scheduled visits starting March 16th through March 31st. We will decide on how to best proceed as more information on the Coronavirus becomes available and we talk with islanders, island leadership, and island communities. We’ve made this decision to help flatten the curve and to keep islanders and their communities as safe and healthy as possible.
Island Services is available to you. Douglas and Sharon are discussing ways to best support you during this pandemic and would like to hear your ideas. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have immediate needs or have ideas of how we can support you and your communities.
As always, Sharon is available to work with you and your healthcare provider if you have any medical needs or concerns. Contact Douglas if you have pastoral needs and prayer requests. Contact either of us if you just need to hear a friendly voice and want to chat. We are here for you!
Contact information:
[email protected] or 207-542-9988
[email protected] or 207-479-0707
by maineseacoast | Mar 16, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News
Maine Seacoast Mission’s Winter 2020 “The Bulletin.”
It highlights the power of nourishment and community. The Mission continues to provide resources for both in these challenging times.
Available online now to read or download. Click here. Subscribe to “The Bulletin” quarterlies – free! — by clicking here.

by maineseacoast | Mar 15, 2020 | COVID-19 Updates, Food Pantry, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Weald Bethel Community Center

CHERRYFIELD, ME — The Weald Bethel Food Pantry in Cherryfield is open on Tuesday, March 17, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, and 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm. Please call 546-7424 for an appointment. We are working to limit the number of people in the Food Pantry at one time.
Senior Commodities distribution is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18. No appointment is necessary. Drive into the parking lot. We will take the food to your car. If you would like a pantry box also, please call 546-7424 and leave your name and the number of people in your family. We will make up a box for you.
by maineseacoast | Mar 14, 2020 | COVID-19 Updates, Maine Seacoast Mission, News

Photo courtesy April Norton, Wyman’s of Maine
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Wendy Harrington, Mission Director of Services Programs, has announced the suspension of the following programs normally held at the Mission’s Weald Bethel Community Center in Cherryfield.
The Downeast Table of Plenty (DETOP), beginning with the DETOP scheduled for Sunday, March 15, is suspended. So are the Open Mic nights, Yoga classes, and Joan’s Coffee House.
These suspensions are COVID-19 precautions. But be of good cheer. The Mission has alternatives for these suspended programs in the works. They will soon be announced.
The Mission will be keeping you up-to-date through our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin). We have also set up a new COVID-19 blog on our website at this link which will be home base for all COVID-19 news concerning adjustments and alternatives to our programs and services.
by maineseacoast | Mar 12, 2020 | Downeast Maine Tiny House Project, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scott Shaw
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Winter in Maine changed the pace of the Downeast Maine Tiny House Project. While the pace slowed, it never stood still.
The Tiny House Project blog just posted an update with videos from the carpentry class at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School at work. In this video, Sophomore students are installing dry wall and final courses of roof shingles.
Full story.
by maineseacoast | Mar 12, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam

BELFAST, ME — This photo, taken February 2020 by Mission Communications Associate Hunter Billings, shows Sunbeam Captain Mike Johnson examining new insulation cut-and-fitted as part of the Sunbeam routine major refit at Front Street Shipyard, Belfast, ME.
Capt. Mike said the insulation will make a big difference in crew and visitor comfort aboard the boat on cold days and nights.
Learn more about the Sunbeam crew’s work.