BAR HARBOR, ME — We’re all very happy to see this Sunbeam update yesterday from Front Street Shipyard, where the Mission’s boat is having a routine major refit.
Front Street posted this photo with this explanation:
A big day for SUNBEAM: we’ve got the first coat of primer on after completing months of sandblasting.
BAR HARBOR, ME — Saying, “I had to get outside,” Mission Scholarships Director Terri Rodick sends us this selfie of herself, hard at work in her outdoor office, wearing her outdoor office attire.
BAR HARBOR, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission is grateful for the online “Maine Coronavirus Community Assistance” Facebook page for the service it provides people and families in Washington and Hancock Counties.
It’s a worthy resource network where people with questions and answers converge.
Maine Seacoast Mission’s David Snyder monitors the MCCA Facebook page, adding pertinent Mission news concerning the coronavirus. Thank you, David. Thank you, MCCA.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Mission Community Resources Coordinator Megan Smith sent these photos from our Downeast Campus Food Pantry in Cherryfield, ME with a thank you note to Shaw’s and Walmart.
Megan says, “I wanted to send these pictures along. We received so much produce and bread from Walmart and Shaw’s yesterday that we have an abundance.
“It does my heart good to see our pantry full,” said Megan.
A message from Douglas Cornman
Director of Island Outreach and Chaplain
MV Sunbeam V
Greetings, my friends. I pray that my letter finds you well.
These are indeed uncertain and frightening times, aren’t they? How we live and relate to one another is changing at an extraordinary pace, as is the information that we need to process and try to understand. Our communities have changed overnight, and we are frantically trying to adjust to a new normal. Given all that is happening to and around us, it is easy to succumb to our fears and anxieties. We find ourselves thinking and behaving in ways that are also new, unfamiliar, and, at times, quite surprising to us.
As we scramble to find balance in chaos, I offer that we make every effort to choose our path forward in love, instead of fear. Try not to give into feelings of anxiety and doubt. Instead, rely on your capacity to find the strength necessary to love in ways you never thought imaginable. Now is the time to choose love, not fear.
Trust me. I recognize how easy it is to offer words like these, especially in a time like this. However, I would not offer them, if I thought the suggestion impossible. To aid you in choosing a way forward in love, I offer this…now is also the time to pause and breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Breathe with me, my friends. Stop reading for just a moment and breathe.
I am constantly astonished by how the world and my thoughts and feelings seem to take a step back each time I take a breath. The world and my fears no longer wrap so closely around me. Instead, my breath creates a space – a moment in time, if you will – where peace resides, and love is mine to choose.
For me, it is a divine space. A place where the world seems a little less muddled and my fears a little less frightening. A place where I am not alone, but connected to my family, friends, and neighbors in a spirit of mutual support and communal love.
So, I conclude my message with this recommendation and prayer – breathe and choose love.
You are not alone. Borrowing words from Kerry Maloney, Chaplain of Harvard Divinity School, “our collective isolation [provides] an opportunity for communal solitude.” Rest assured, we will discover our new normal and we will do it together, as we move forward in love.
Peace, health, and love,
Director of Island Outreach and Chaplain
MV Sunbeam V
CHERRYFIELD, ME — One of the Mission’s first acts to guard against the spread of COVID-19 was to get creative with our Food Pantry and Seniors Commodities program. Food security is a key focus of Maine Seacoast Mission. COVID-19 meant adding new measures of food security.
In this video, Mission President John Zavodny, speaking last week from our Food Pantry in Cherryfield, ME, describes in some detail the creative steps started there just a few days ago by Mission staff and volunteers.
You can learn more about the Mission’s food programs and services here. For viewers who would like to help use do this work with a donation you and do so here with our gratitude.