by maineseacoast | Dec 19, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Events, Joan's Coffee House

Joan’s Coffee House, Downeast Campus, Friday, December 22
Every Friday morning, 9:30 – 11:30, our Downeast Campus in Cherryfield, ME opens its doors to anyone wanting to enjoy coffee, goodies, and a chance to visit neighbors. Learn More
by maineseacoast | Dec 15, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Events, Joan's Coffee House

Joan’s Coffee House, Downeast Campus, Friday, December 15
Every Friday morning, 9:30 – 11:30, our Downeast Campus in Cherryfield, ME opens its doors to anyone wanting to enjoy coffee, goodies, and a chance to visit neighbors. Learn More
by maineseacoast | Dec 13, 2017 | DETOP, Downeast Campus, Events

Please join us, Sunday, December 17, for our Downeast Table of Plenty.
Would you care to host a DETOP meal? Thank you.
Please go to the calendar website, SignUp, and schedule your Sunday or email Wendy Harrington.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Each Sunday afternoon, 3:30-5:00 pm, at the Mission’s Downeast Table of Plenty, everyone is welcome to share satisfying, home-cooked meals.
People age two to ninety, from every segment of the community attend. Music, conversation, and laughter preside. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.
The Table of Plenty takes place in the EdGE building on our Downeast Campus every Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Meals are provided by volunteers.
If you would like to host a meal, please go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or email Wendy Harrington.
by maineseacoast | Dec 12, 2017 | Christmas, Colket Center, Events, Uncategorized
BAR HARBOR, Me — The Mission’s Christmas Open House and Wreath Auction is a key event in support of our Christmas Program. Organizations and individuals who decorated the Colket Center and created unique wreaths for 2017’s event are listed here so you can visit them online.
The Open House receives donations in two ways: donations visitors put in a large jar on the staffed welcome table at the entrance, and payments of winning bids on the silent auction for wreaths. Approximately 350-400 people attended this year’s event.
The 2017 Open House received $924.00 in donations and $2,702.00 in auction payments for a total of $3,626.00.
Wreath and Centerpieces
Bar Harbor Congregational Church (BHUCC) – Karen McFarland and Christy Benson
Bar Harbor Garden Club – Sherri Alley
Lori Bartlett
Ruth Brunetti and Bill Fernald
The Bud Connection
Judith Burger-Gossart
Cottage Flowers
Jenny J. Denegre, BH Food Pantry
Chelcey Dunham
Sue Ferrante-Collier
Frost Farms
Harbor House Children’s Center
Jesup Memorial Library
Kids’ Corner
Kimball Shop & Boutique
Kvetina Gardens
Susan Lerner
MDI Hospital
Carla Minctons
Katherine Moore-Testa
Deborah Page
Snugglemagic Farm
Spruce and Gussy
Terri Rodick
Linda Rowell-Kelly
Melita Westerlund
Westside Florist
by maineseacoast | Dec 6, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Events

EdGE Building, Downeast Campus, Cherryfield, ME
Please join us, Sunday, December 10, for our Downeast Table of Plenty.
Would you care to host a DETOP meal? Thank you. Please go to the calendar website, SignUp, and schedule your Sunday or email Wendy Harrington.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Each Sunday afternoon, 3:30-5:00 pm, at the Mission’s Downeast Table of Plenty, everyone is welcome to share satisfying, home-cooked meals.
People age two to ninety, from every segment of the community attend. Music, conversation, and laughter preside. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.
The Table of Plenty takes place in the EdGE building on our Downeast Campus every Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Meals are provided by volunteers.
If you would like to host a meal, please go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or email Wendy Harrington.
by maineseacoast | Dec 5, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Events, Joan's Coffee House

Joan’s Coffee House, Downeast Campus, Friday, December 8
Every Friday morning, 9:30 – 11:30, our Downeast Campus in Cherryfield, ME opens its doors to anyone wanting to enjoy coffee, goodies, and a chance to visit neighbors. Learn More