BAR HARBOR, ME — It’s Thank you Thursday and today’s shout out of Mission Love goes to the 50 Project ReachOut staff and volunteers. Launched in early April 2020, Project ReachOut is based on a simple idea; we are all better off when we connect. A kind word and a simple “how can we help?” can make all the difference. Through Project ReachOut, Mission staff and volunteers call Mission friends and neighbors Downeast and within Maine island communities to check in, offer a word of support, and ask how we can help.

Our 2,300 calls reached more than 1,000 local families, some needing help in several ways including: food assistance, home repairs, fuel assistance, rent/mortgage assistance, car repairs, electric bills, and appliance repairs.

We could not be doing all of this great work without our amazing EdGE crew and volunteer Project ReachOut callers making the connections with the families.

This is what community looks like.

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