Mission Selects Inaugural, Class of 2026 Davis Maine Scholarship Recipients

Mission Selects Inaugural, Class of 2026 Davis Maine Scholarship Recipients

Davis Maine Scholarship recipient Rachel Colby of Gouldsboro.

NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME — Six hardworking Downeast high school juniors learned recently they were selected as Maine’s first Davis Maine Scholars. The students — all first-generation college bound— will each receive a full four-year cost of attendance scholarship at one of three Davis Maine Scholarship partner colleges: Clark University (MA), University of New England (ME), and Wheaton College (MA).

It is through the generosity and vision of Andrew Davis, Director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund that these Downeast students now have a clear path toward a bachelor’s degree from one of New England’s leading private liberal arts colleges. In collaboration with Maine Seacoast Mission and the Davis Maine Scholarship partner colleges, this scholarship program was created to ensure that more first generation college students from rural Washington County and eastern Hancock County have the opportunity to complete undergraduate degrees, untethered by financial burden.

The Davis Maine Scholarship is modeled after the highly successful Davis New Mexico Scholarship and the Davis United World College Scholars Program. In announcing Maine’s inaugural recipients, Director Andrew Davis of the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund said:

“Congratulations to our first Davis Maine Scholars. Such talented, motivated students have earned this opportunity to shine. These first role models will serve as inspirations to and bridges for younger students to recognize the opportunities that come with a collegiate education and ultimately will strengthen the Downeast communities they call home.”

The six inaugural Davis Maine Scholars attend Narraguagus High School and Sumner Memorial High School. They were drawn from Maine Seacoast Mission’s college exploration and engagement program which they joined during their freshman year. Applicants were assessed based on academic achievement, personal strengths, school and community engagement, and an application process that included essays, recommendations, and interviews.

The Narraguagus scholarship recipients are:

  • Holly Lisett Anderson of Harrington, the daughter of Rachel Vincellette
  • Mali Smith of Columbia Falls, the daughter of Jason and Kimberly Smith

The Sumner scholarship recipients are:

  • Mya Abbott of Franklin, the daughter of Chris and April Abbott
  • Rachel Colby of Gouldsboro, the daughter of Jason and Laura Colby
  • Emilee Hutchins of Winter Harbor, the daughter of Jeff and Tracey Hutchins
  • Ana Rosa Valencia Jungo of Sullivan, the daughter of Elio Valencia Guzman and Rosalba Jungo Zavala

Narraguagus High School Principal MaryEllen Day said, “We are so very proud that Lisett and Mali were selected as Davis Maine Scholars. This program will open many doors for these wonderful students. They have worked hard throughout their years and are very deserving of this opportunity. Narraguagus looks forward to them doing great things!”

The Sumner Guidance Team of Corinna Domagala and Lucille Null, reacted to the news by saying, “Sumner Memorial High School and our students are incredibly thankful for the opportunity to have the Davis Scholarship and all the wonderful avenues it will open for them.”

Working closely with partner high schools and colleges, the Davis Maine Scholarship program will provide students ongoing mentoring and guidance as they apply to college and transition through it. The program also includes parent workshops and support. The expectation is that Davis Maine Scholars will earn their undergraduate degrees in four years.

Davis Maine Scholarship Director Christina Griffith said, “Our Davis Maine Scholars each demonstrate inspiring academic commitment and remarkable persistence, including through the pandemic. Their achievements reflect their courage, heart, and unwillingness to give up no matter the weight of the challenge. Alongside their families, I am so honored to celebrate and support them on their continuing academic journeys.”

For more information: Click here.

Mission, Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, and Partner Colleges Launch Four-Year Davis Maine Scholarship

September 23, 2019

For More Information
Contact: Scott K Fish
Communications and Marketing
[email protected]

Maine Seacoast Mission, Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, and Three Partner Colleges Launch Four-Year Davis Maine Scholarship

BAR HARBOR, ME — The Maine Seacoast Mission, the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, and three inaugural Partner Colleges — Clark University (MA), University of New England (ME), and Wheaton College (MA) — announce the launch of the Davis Maine Scholarship: a full, four-year scholarship for rural, first-generation college students from Washington and eastern Hancock Counties.

In announcing this new program, Andrew Davis of the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund said, “This is a remarkable opportunity for deserving Downeast high school scholars. We are creating this scholarship for students who excel in their studies, persist through hardship and will be among the first members of their families to go to college. I very much look forward to supporting our college and high school partners on behalf these exceptional young people. It is extremely exciting to play a role in showing the world what Downeast students can achieve.”

Christina Griffith, Davis Maine Scholarship Director at The Maine Seacoast Mission added “Coupled with the family and community strengths from which our Downeast students come, the Davis Maine Scholarship will provide Davis Scholars what they need to prepare for, persist through and successfully complete their undergraduate studies.”

At first, Davis Maine Scholars will be selected from two partner high schools: Narraguagus in Harrington, ME and Sumner Memorial in Sullivan, ME. The first Davis Maine Scholarship cohort will be selected as high school juniors in Fall, 2020. Prior to matriculating to college in Fall 2022, they will receive strategic college transition planning and support with college research, admissions and financial aid information, as well as tools for personal and academic college success. The Davis Maine Scholarship also includes family engagement workshops, given the integral role families play in supporting students through their college studies.

Davis Maine Scholarship Partner Colleges were selected based on their institutional commitment to increasing socioeconomic diversity through demonstrated success with serving first-generation college bound, low-income, rural students through existing programs and resources. Partner Colleges also demonstrated success with freshman retention and four-year college completion rates, especially among first-generation college bound students.

The Davis Maine Scholarship builds on the success of the Mission’s educational programs. For more than a century, the Mission has worked to address multi-generational poverty in rural Washington and eastern Hancock Counties through programs including the Mission Scholarship Program (Founded 1918), and the Ed Greaves Education (EdGE) K-12 youth development program (Founded 2002).

John Zavodny, Maine Seacoast Mission President said, “We are very pleased to be partnering with the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund to continue to provide Downeast communities with greater access to higher education. This strong partnership will result in more college graduates, greater economic opportunity and new roads toward promising futures.”

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