EdGE Director Gives Leadership Lessons to Local High School Basketball Team

Teamwork at the Mission’s EDGE 2018

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission’s Scott Shaw forwarded this slideshow produced by Scott’s friend, Justin Thompson. Scott said, “Thanks to [EdGE Director] Charlie Harrington for hosting this Team Building experience for the Narraguagus Knights Varsity Basketball Team.

The team worked on planning, preparing and execution. They also climbed on the adventure course with only headlamps. It was a cold crisp night but the weather did not slow down their enthusiasm. Go Knights!

Learn More about the Narraguagus Knights

Learn More about EdGE

Downeast Community Partners Names Maine Seacoast Mission Partner of the Year

Downeast Community Partners Names Maine Seacoast Mission Partner of the Year

Downeast Community Partners (DCP) presents award for Partner of the Year to Maine Seacoast Mission staff. L to R: Megan Burgess, Mission President Scott Planting, Wendy Harrington, Betsy Fitzgerald, DCP Board President, Maurice Tenney, MSM, Scott Shaw, MSM

Date: December 11, 2018
CONTACT: Sarah Nugent
207-664-2424 ext 5944 [email protected]
Scott K Fish
Maine Seacoast Mission
207-458-7185 [email protected]

Downeast Community Partners Holds First Annual Meeting, Names Partner of the Year

Cherryfield, ME — On December 4 at the Cherryfield Academy Community Center, Downeast Community Partners (DCP) held its first annual board meeting.

Prior to the regular business meeting, there was a presentation by DCP staff Bobbi Ann Harris and Craig Smith, and Maine Seacoast Mission staff Wendy Harrington and Scott Shaw on the Home Repair and Weatherization 2018 program. This program is a partnership between the Maine Seacoast Mission and DCP which brings together federal and state funded programs, with a grant from the C. F. Adams Charitable Trust, and volunteer labor to repair and weatherize homes in Washington County and the Schoodic Peninsula area of Hancock County.

This program is a wonderful way to blend the work of Maine Seacoast Mission with that of DCP for maximum positive impact on the homeowners and their families.

Because weatherization dollars are federally-sourced, there are limits to how they can be spent. When the Weatherization work is complete, a house must meet certain federal standards. The available dollars are often not enough to get some homes to those standards. In the past, DCP staff regretfully would have to walk away from such projects.

With this partnership and the foundation funding, the Maine Seacoast Mission is able to go in with volunteers, and materials paid for by the CF Adams Charitable Trust funds, and complete enough of the repairs for DCP to weatherize the home, possibly replace the heating system, and work on the roof, among other things.

By the time both groups are finished, the house meets the federal guidelines. More importantly, the house is weather-tight, and a Maine family is warm, safe, and dry.

Thanks to this program, its partners, and volunteers, 26 houses are now in much better repair in Washington County and the Schoodic Peninsula.

It is no surprise the Board of Downeast Community Partners named the Maine Seacoast Mission as its first partner of the year.

“The staff at Maine Seacoast Mission have been great to work with. There is no question in my mind that this is one of those times when a partnership goes beyond just a good working relationship to a place where people are totally invested resulting in quality repairs and more homes getting done.” said Mark Green, DCP Executive Director.

For more information about Downeast Community Partners and the opportunities provided, call Mark Green at 610-5904 or email him at [email protected]

Original DCP Press Release

Weald Bethel Open Mic Night – Great Turnout, Lots of Talent

Weald Bethel Open Mic Night – Great Turnout, Lots of Talent

CHERRYFIELD, ME — “Great turnout and lots of talent at Open Mic last night,” reports the Mission’s Downeast Campus Facilities Manager Scott Shaw. “Steve Hartley and I host the Open Mic at the new Weald Bethel Community Center on Wednesdays (excluding December 26th). We have christened our new sound system. It is a perfect fit for our space!” says Scott Shaw.

Scott sent these photos of performers at the Open Mic maiden voyage. Thank you to all the performers for helping make this community event a success.

Free Cribbage Night at Weald Bethel Community Center, Nov. 20

Free Cribbage Night at Weald Bethel Community Center, Nov. 20

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Tuesday, November 20th, the Community Center is hosting a Free Cribbage Night from 6:00 pm until there’s a winner.

Downeast Campus Facilities Manager Scott Shaw described the event as “a night of neighborly cribbage competition,” that runs from 6:00 pm “until we have a winner.”

This Cribbage Night is the second new event for the Weald Bethel Community Center this November.

November 9th the Community Center kicked off new Friday Family Dinner and Movie Nights.

Learn more about Weald Bethel Communty Center

Above-and-Beyond Volunteers Return to Weald Bethel

Above-and-Beyond Volunteers Return to Weald Bethel

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Watrous (Photo by Scott Shaw)

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Earlier this year, Lee Watrous and his volunteers almost single-highhandedly completed the final phase wing of the new Weald Bethel Community Center.

Mission Downeast Campus Facilities and Housing Rehabilitation Manager Scott Shaw worked closely with Mr. Watrous. So, Scott Shaw was surprised a few days ago when Mr. Watrous and his wife visited the Community Center unannounced and not “full of drywall and sawdust,” Scott said.

Here’s the rest of Scott’s message and photo

“Lee Watrous and his wife Gail came to visit and stayed at a local airBnB over the weekend. They also attended a Cherryfield Academy concert and went hiking.

“I told Lee I didn’t recognize him. He wasn’t full of drywall and sawdust! He cleaned up pretty good! I told him I wanted to post a good photo of them on Facebook while he was clean!”

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