Ready by 21 Mentoring Teams with Sunbeam for Isle au Haut Community Service
Photos courtesy Island Outreach director Douglas Cornman and Ready by 21 Mentoring
NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME — Outreach director Douglas Cornman reminds us that May 15th, the Sunbeam carried a group of 25 young men and women and their adult mentors from the Deer Isle/Stonington area to Isle au Haut.
Each May, as one of Ready by 21 Mentoring “Real World Trips,” a sophomore class travels with the Sunbeam for a day of community service. Once the group is on Isle au Haut, they will work with rangers from Acadia National Park to clean debris from the island coastline.
Ready by 21 Mentoring is a Maine based program. According to its web site it “seeks ways to create safe, quality opportunities for youth beginning at age 14 thru 21 to develop multi-generational relationships that allow them the opportunity for growth, self expression and views of their highest potential.”
“The Sunbeam has collaborated with Ready by 21 Mentoring each of the four years I’ve served as outreach Director,” said Douglas Cornman, who is “pretty certain” the Ready by 21 Mentoring and Sunbeam partnership precedes him.
Learn more about the Mission’s Island Outreach programs.