by maineseacoast | Sep 24, 2019 | Downeast Campus, EdGE, Maine Seacoast Mission, News

The R.H. Foster team, 15th Annual EdGE Tennis Tournament champions. Mission President John Zavodny is pictured second from right.
BAR HARBOR, ME — Thank you to everyone who helped, the in-kind and corporate sponsors; the volunteers and all the tennis players. The 15th Annual Open Tennis Tournament raised close to $18,000 for the EdGE program.
Congratulations to Tournament champion R.H. Foster team.
After being rained out on the appointed day, the Tournament kicked off on Sunday for some amazing displays of skill, fun, and friendly competition. Sunday was perfect for tennis. Not too hot or windy, and lots of sunshine.
Saturday’s rain prevented the EdGE kids from joining us. However, they had a wonderful time at their Friday event at the Bar Harbor Club, with tennis lessons from Liz McMullan, Dan Granholm and Colleen Maynard. Following their tennis lessons the EdGE kids got to swim in the Club pool. They spent the night at the Bar Harbor Congregational Church and went home on Saturday.
by maineseacoast | Sep 10, 2018 | Downeast Campus, EdGE, Maine Seacoast Mission, News

R.H. Foster Team, winners of the 14th Annual Tennis Tournament to Benefit EdGE
September 10, 2018
R.H. Foster Team Wins Seacoast Mission’s Benefit Tennis Tournament
BAR HARBOR, ME — Congratulations to the R.H. Foster team for winning Maine Seacoast Mission’s 14th Annual Tennis Tournament on Saturday, September 8th, at the Northeast Harbor Tennis Club.
R.H. Foster broke the Small Animal Clinic’s record of winning the four previous tournaments. The EdGE team defeated Jock Williams Boat Yard in first semi final; R.H. Foster defeated Dead River. In the final, R.H. Foster narrowly defeated EdGE 17-15.
The tournament proceeds benefit the Mission’s EdGE (Ed Greaves Education) youth development program. The Mission’s EdGE runs after-school, in-school, and summer programs in Washington/Hancock Counties to give kids tools and resources to succeed in school and in life.
Assistant EdGE Director Isaac Marnik said, “From the EdGE perspective everything went great! EdGE students took part in the one-hour tennis clinic at the Bar Harbor Club. Students enjoyed a BBQ at the Mission’s Colket Center HQ, stayed overnight, and watched Saturday’s Tennis Tournament. They all had a great time and all want to play more tennis,” said Isaac Marnik.
Anna Silver, the Mission’s Assistant Development Director and tournament coordinator said the event raised $18,000 for the EdGE program. “Special thanks to all the sponsors and volunteers,” said Silver.
Title sponsors: Bar Harbor Bank and Trust and Wyman’s of Maine
Team Sponsors: Acadia Puzzles; Dead River Co.; John Williams Boat Company; Machias Savings Bank; R.H. Foster, LLC; Seal Cove Auto Museum; Small Animal Clinic, and
Court Sponsors: Bar Harbor Savings and Loan; J.T. Rosborough
“Thank you to everyone who took part in the 14th Annual Tennis Tournament; the tennis teams, the tennis clinicians, and the Northeast Harbor Tennis Club for donating the Tennis Club,” continued Silver.