It’s Thank you Thursday for Mount Desert 365
It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to Mount Desert 365 in Northeast Harbor.
The decision to sell the Mission’s longstanding home, La Rochelle, at 127 West Street, Bar Harbor demanded a second important decision: where would be the Mission’s next home? After meeting with the good people at Mount Desert 365 we knew we had found our new home at their new building downtown Northeast Harbor.
“Mount Desert 365 is a community-based organization promoting long-term economic vitality of Mount Desert, Maine, through expansion of sustainable year-round residential communities and economic revitalization of commercial districts,” says MD 365’s website.
“Beyond the place where we live, work, and raise our families, community is the connection with neighbors, a shared appreciation for the natural beauty that surrounds us, and a sense of commitment towards mutual prosperity, communal health and well-being, and civic pride through engagement,” Mount Desert 365 tells us.
This is what community looks like.
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