NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME – Two weeks into the New Year, Island Health Director Sharon Daley, RN noticed on Facebook a call for help from Terry Staples at Swan’s Island Bread of Life Food Pantry. While no one was on duty, the pantry freezer quit. “The end result,” wrote Mr. Staples, “was the loss of several hundred pounds of meat.” It will take time to replace the freezer, said Terry. Meanwhile, “if you are…grocery shopping and…could pickup a couple extra meats for us it would be a great help…,” he said.
Sharon asked Mission President John Zavodny and Downeast Director Mel Adams if the Mission could help the Swan’s Island food pantry. The answer was: Yes.
Mission Food Security and Sustainability Programs Coordinator Megan Smith partnered with Downeast Campus Facilities Manager Scott Shaw. They identified ten frozen turkeys and 210 pounds of additional frozen meats which Scott Shaw delivered 45-miles from Cherryfield to Northeast Harbor.
Meanwhile, Terry Staples told Sharon Daley the mail boat to Swan’s Island from Bass Harbor would transport the meat one hour over the water if the Mission could get the meat to the ferry by 11:00 am Monday, January 24.
On the 24th, Sharon Daley and Mel Adams received an email from Megan Smith. She said, “The frozen meat and turkeys are on the ferry heading to Swans Island…. I am so glad that we could help Terry and the Swans Island pantry.”
An EdGE student leaf rubbing at D.W. Merritt Elementary.
CHERRYFIELD, ME – EdGE Director Isaac Marnik, and Downeast Director Mel Adams, had high praise this week for the several full-time EdGE staff members who shouldered the added work of running EdGE after-school programs. Without them, said Isaac, the after-school programs could not have stayed open.
“We are open at all seven school locations. We had 333 students attend at least one day of an EdGE after-school program,” said Isaac.
Mel Adams said the EdGE staff really leveraged all their mental, physical, emotional energy to ensure that EdGE continued on throughout this time period. “Thank you can never be enough,” he said.
Interested in engaging youth at our after-school program? Jobs are open for EdGE after-school staff in Machias and Harrington! Plus, the Mission offers a $100 sign-on bonus after 60 days. New staffers will lead activities, oversee groups of children, and work alongside EdGE site coordinators.
“We hope to have another good month of programming going forward,” said Isaac.
Kaitlin Beal from Sumner High School is the 2021 Angus MacDonald Scholarship recipient.
NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME — Continuing a tradition that started more than 100 years ago, Maine Seacoast Mission welcomes 23 new Mission Scholars for year 2021. The Mission this year awarded $49,000 in new scholarships and $109,000 in renewed scholarships.
Mission Scholarships Director Terri Rodick said, “Our 2021 scholarship awardees are from 14 high schools in Washington and Hancock Counties and the islands we serve.”
The 2021 Mission scholars were resilient and able to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic to achieve their college aspirations. During the scholars’ interviews with the Mission, they told stories of deeper connections with teachers, guidance counselors, and community members supporting them throughout the year.
“Mission scholars are pursuing degrees in science, early childhood education, construction, fashion design, social justice, art, and education. One student is a first-generation American working to create fashion and clothing that illustrates the American Dream and diverse fabric of America. Another is a local student focused on building his Washington County community through repairing homes and building sustainable housing,” explained Mission Downeast Director Melvin D. Adams III, Ed.D.
“The beauty of the Mission scholarship program is the importance of supporting college aspirations — where youth can create change and ask us to think deeply about our community through fashion, teach future generations, and discover life-saving medications,” Director Adams said.
Among the Mission’s several scholarships, its Angus MacDonald Scholarship provides an award of $14,000 over four years to an exceptional high school graduate who has demonstrated superior academic achievement, leadership skills, integrity, and commitment to the community. This year’s Angus MacDonald Scholarship recipient is Sumner High School student Kaitlin Beal from Gouldsboro, ME.
Maine Seacoast Mission’s new Downeast Director Melvin D. Adams III, Ed.D.
December 1, 2020
For More Information:
Contact: Scott K Fish, Maine Seacoast Mission Communications and Marketing [email protected] or 207-458-7185
Melvin D. Adams III, Ed.D Joins Mission as New Downeast Director
NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME — His background, professional preparation, heart, and commitment to the people and communities of Downeast Maine earned Melvin D. Adams III, Ed.D the position of Maine Seacoast Mission’s new Downeast Director.
Mission President John Zavodny, after thorough review of several highly qualified Downeast Director candidates, said, “Mel’s background and professional preparation touches on all aspects of the Mission’s work in Downeast Maine: education, youth development, food security, community building and multi-generational family engagement. But it was really his heart and obvious commitment to the Downeast Maine people and communities that made Mel the clear choice,” Zavodny said.
“Service is a clear theme throughout Mel’s life,” he continued. “From his recent graduate certification in Human Resources Management, to community engagement and service learning leadership, and food security work in Columbus Ohio – Mel’s commitment to community is one of many things that recommended him as the next leader of the Maine Seacoast Mission’s Downeast efforts,” Zavodny said.
Previously, Mel Adams served as Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Services at Washington County Community College, overseeing 16 employees as senior enrollment manager and student advocate. He was a member of the WCCC President’s executive leadership team, fostering cooperation and communication with college and community stakeholders to meet WCCC’s mission, strategic plan, enrollment goals, and student success. Mel Adams was also Adjunct Faculty member at Southern New Hampshire University, teaching several courses in Higher Education Administration.
This is a new position at the Mission, created in part in response to changes in eastern Hancock and Washington counties. This region, where the Mission’s DEC programs and services focus, is home to independent, industrious, and entrepreneurial communities whose economic wellbeing is tied to the fishing, blueberry, and tourism industries. Changes in those industries present a renewed opportunity for the Mission to lead in the areas of youth development and college readiness, family resources, food security, and community building.
A growing community of Latinx families brings an influx of talent, creativity, and growing opportunities for collaboration. A long history of strong area partnerships with local school districts, other agencies, and families creates a unique opportunity to make a significant difference in these beautiful, rugged, and resilient coastal Maine communities.
As Maine Seacoast Mission’s Downeast Director, Mel Adams is responsible for key Mission programs based out of the Mission’s Downeast Campus in Cherryfield: EdGE; Family Engagement; Student Pathways, Family Food Center, Housing Rehabilitation, and other Downeast Campus (DEC) programs.
Adams will be responsible for the DEC staff; facilities and maintenance; budgeting and budget management; and coordination of administrative activities with central Mission administration functions including finance, development, technology, planning, assessment, and human resources.
Mel Adams said of his new position, “The Maine Seacoast Mission Downeast Campus has built strong partnerships and trust with individuals and families. It is through the tireless work of the Downeast Campus team that community members trust the work that occurs in our schools and communities. I am humbled and excited at the opportunity to join the Mission Downeast Campus where the work is grounded in strength, dignity, and compassion for our families, friends, and neighbors.
“I am thrilled to work alongside a talented team dedicated to Washington and eastern Hancock counties,” Adams continued. “I am called to this work of service, helping people where they are; with what they have; and celebrating gifts they bring to our communities,” he said.
Adams’s higher education degrees include a Doctor of Education, a Master of Arts in Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education, Bachelor of Science in Education – Secondary Social Science Education, and an Associate of Arts.
“It is easy to see how the Maine Seacoast Mission and the people of Downeast Maine will be better off with Mel as part of our community,” said President Zavodny.