Good Shepherd Food Bank Display Units Improve Mission Food Pantry Shopping
CHERRYFIELD, ME — In the latter part of October 2018, Mission Service Program Director Wendy Harrington sent word of new display units, courtesy Good Shepherd Food Bank, at our Downeast Campus Food Pantry.
Mission Community Resource Director Megan Burgess followed up Director Harrington’s message with photos and backgrounder.
“Thanks to Good Shepherd Food Bank for providing funding for the display units through their Capacity Building Grant program,” said Megan Burgess. Good Shepherd describes this grant program as “a competitive grant process that awards funds to partner agencies of the Food Bank that seek to make improvements to their program, allowing them to more effectively serve the individuals in their communities.”
“The display units have helped the Food Pantry better highlight baked goods and fresh produce, and they enhance the shopping experience of our food pantry patrons,” said Burgess
Learn more about the Mission’s Food Programs.