Director of Island Health Sharon Daley: Renaissance Woman

Director of Island Health Sharon Daley: Renaissance Woman



Summer in a Jar: Corn Relish
September 27, 2016
From the garden, Pickles and Preserves
By Sandy Oliver

This recipe came from my island neighbor Sharon Daley, the telemedicine nurse on the Seacoast Mission vessel, the Sunbeam, who somehow squeezes canning time in between trips to Maine island communities. I had not ever made corn relish and for some reason didn’t think I would like it. Sharon handed me a spoonful and changed my mind for me. “I knew I could convert you,” she said. Full Story


Frenchboro School: Adventures in a One Room Schoolhouse

Frenchboro School: Adventures in a One Room Schoolhouse

In mid-August, while verifying spellings and titles for a Mission news release on the Sunbeam‘s Demonstration Cruise to Frenchboro island, I came upon this wonderful “Frenchboro Kingfishers” drawing. Who are the Frenchboro Kingfishers? Who designed that poster? Those questions started me on a brief, online journey, ending at one of the best blogs I’ve come across: Frenchboro School: Adventures in a One Room Schoolhouse.

Frenchboro Kingfishers

What an excellent way for Frenchboro School to establish two-way communication with the world. Sad that this blog ended when the school teachers — Mr. & Mrs. Finn? — moved from Frenchboro. But what a great historic legacy. Very well done.

As for the origin of the Frenchboro Kingfishers? I’m including here a bit of the back story. Find out the rest of the story at Adventures in a One Room Schoolhouse.

frenchboro_schoolhouseTUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2010
Mascot Voting

Does your school have a mascot? Of course it does. Every school has a mascot, right? Well, that’s what I thought, until I moved to Frenchboro.

This year we got organized. The kids came up with a large (very large) list of possible mascots. I especially liked Bradley’s, which was the Sharpened Pencils. We put up a sheet at the post office, asking for ideas. Then the kids took their favorites from both lists. After numerous write-in votes, we had pared the list down to five. Hurricanes, Sea Monsters, Kingfishers, Power Strike (no, it’s not a Power Ranger…it’s a lightning bolt), and Sharks.

The kids made up official ballots. They plastered the town with voting signs. They set up a voting station at the school. Then they called. Everyone. Like…multiple times. Let’s just say that we had more voter turnout than any town will have in the gubernatorial race this year. And, if you could talk, you could vote.

We are now officially the Frenchboro Kingfishers. It’s got a good ring to it. Maybe not as snazzy as the Sharpened Pencils, but, ya know…the adults got votes, too.

Continued Here

Small Animal Clinic Wins 12th Annual Maine Seacoast Mission Open Tennis Tournament to Benefit EdGE Program

Small Animal Clinic Wins 12th Annual Maine Seacoast Mission Open Tennis Tournament to Benefit EdGE Program

September 12, 2016
For More Information
Contact: Scott K Fish [email protected]

Small Animal Clinic Tennis Tournament Winners

Small Animal Clinic of Ellsworth, Tournament Winners: (L-R)  Phid Lawless, Theresa Green, Bridgett Babine, Alan Toothaker, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Alec Toothaker, Ben Beverly,  Misha Mytar


BAR HARBOR – A team assembled by the Small Animal Clinic in Ellsworth, captained by Dr. Alan Toothaker, won the 12th Annual Maine Seacoast Mission Open Tennis Tournament on Saturday, September 10, at the Northeast Harbor Tennis Club.

The tournament benefits the Mission’s innovative EdGE (Ed Greaves Education) youth development program and attracted over 80 players and 50 guests. The Mission’s EdGE program runs after-school, in-school, and summer programs in Washington and Hancock Counties to give youth the tools and resources they need to succeed in school and life.

Mission President Scott Planting said after the Tournament, “Thank you to everyone for supporting this great EdGE program for Downeast kids. Several of the players I spoke with said this the best run tournament they participate in. They love the venue, the quality of tennis, and the hospitality.”

The day before the tournament, EdGE kids from Washington County received tennis lessons from guidance of Dan Granholm, Jaime Weir, and Ed Fogarty at the Bar Harbor Club. EdGE kids then took part in a cook-out and overnighter at Mission headquarters in Bar Harbor, and were on hand Saturday to watch the some fast paced tennis at the EdGE Benefit tournament.


EdGE kids from Washington County at Tennis Camp

The four teams advancing to the Tournament semi-finals were Small Animal Clinic of Ellsworth, Machias Business Group, Dead River Company, and MDI Hospital. The team sponsored by the Small Animal Clinic captured the championship in a final match with the Machias Business Group team. This was Small Animal Clinic’s third straight Mission Open Tennis Tournament win.

Bar Harbor Savings and Loan was Court Sponsor. Team Sponsors were Bar Harbor Bank and Trust, Big Red Tomatoes, Dead River Company, John Williams Boat Company, Machias Business Group (including Charles Dorr, D.D.S., Whitney’s Originals, Tom’s Mini-Mart), Machias Savings Bank, MDI Hospital, Small Animal Clinic, and Connie Greaves Bates.

The Mission also gave special thanks to Northeast Tennis Club for the use of their courts and facility, the Causeway Club and Ben Rowell, Director of Swim and Tennis, for tennis balls, The Docksider for coffee, bagels, and donuts, Hannaford Supermarket for food and beverages, Side Street Cafe for lunch, and Mount Desert Spring Water for water.

The EdGE provides in-school, after-school and summer programs for over 700 children in 17 Downeast Maine communities.

Maine Hospice Council’s Visit with Sunbeam Island Health

Maine Hospice Council’s Visit with Sunbeam Island Health

August 30, 2016

Kandyce Powell and Sharon Daley

L-R: Kandyce Powell and Sharon Daley

BAR HARBOR — Earlier this month, Maine Hospice Council (MHC) and Center for End-of-Life Care Executive Director Kandyce Powell, RN, MSN, traveled aboard the Sunbeam with Mission Director of Island Health, Sharon Daley, RN. Kandyce’s primary MHC responsibilities include improving the quality of life for the dying and bereaved. She is a tireless advocate for the underserved, including rural Maine communities.

Kandyce Powell sent us this photo taken during her August trip with this note:

“My gratitude to Sharon Daley and the crew of the Sunbeam for the opportunity to make a trip to Eagle Island, Matinicus, and Isle au Haut. Learning about the work of the Seacoast Mission has been richly rewarding, giving additional meaning to the phrase ‘rural outreach.’ Meeting the wonderful people who live on the islands, learning of their challenges, and hearing about their appreciation for the kindness, skill, and service of the Seacoast Mission crew is very touching. There’s no doubt this treasured organization with its rich history serves an incredible need for residents of the outer islands.”

Sharon Daley said, “Having done hospice work and knowing of Kandyce’s work, it was a real pleasure and honor having her along. I have always seen similarities between the work of the Mission and hospice. It is all about caring for the whole person: physical, spiritual, and mental. And this is what I see myself and the Sunbeam crew trying to do to the best of our abilities.”

Sunbeam Award Gala 2016: Thank You for Celebrating With Us…

Sunbeam Award Gala 2016: Thank You for Celebrating With Us…

Maine Seacoast Mission Thank You as it appears in the August 25, 2016 MDIslander.

Thank You for a Successful Gala 2016

A very Special Thank You to our Sunbeam Award Gala 2016 In-Kind Donors for

Ruth M. Colket
Kvetina Gardens and Wildscaping
Queen Anne’s Flower Shop
George Soules Photography
Nancy K. Ho
Jeff Dobbs Productions
The Dan Granholm Trio
The Sunbeam Society
Bar Harbor Club
Bar Harbor Congregational Church
Mary Ellen Martel
Jennifer Judd-McGee, Swallowfield
Edith Wells
Blueberry Basket
Kelly Cotiaux – Sephone Interactive Media
Mark Nason – New England School of Communications Husson University

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