Family Nurse Practitioner Assists Mission Island Health Director on Matinicus Island

ABOARD THE ‘SUNBEAM V’ — Clinical Director and Family Nurse Practitioner Jennifer “Jen” Desmond flew out to Matinicus from Vinalhaven’s Islands Community Medical Services, Inc. to meet up with the Sunbeam V and the Mission’s Island Health Director Sharon Daley, RN and see some people in person. Family Nurse Practitioner Assists Mission Island Health Director on Matinicus Island
Jen was able to take care of things that would have required an expensive trip off island for some patients. Cold and windy day but Penobscot Island Air always provides great service.
So thanks to all in helping make this happen, including those who loaned us trucks for getting around. (Jennifer and I are pictured here at the Matinicus Island International Air-Strip.)