Mission Celebrates First-Generation College Students

Mission Celebrates First-Generation College Students

BAR HARBOR, ME — In 2017, The Council for Opportunity in Education designated November 8t h as a day to celebrate first-generation college students. By first-generation (“first gen”), we mean students who will be the first members of their families to graduate from a four-year college.

According to The Center for First Generation Student Success:

November 8 was selected as the date for the annual National First-Generation College Celebration to honor the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965. The Higher Education Act (“HEA”) emerged out of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s War on Poverty. Much like other hallmark legislation of that era such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, HEA was intended to help level a playing field that for too long had been weighed against Americans from minority and low income backgrounds.

In addition to creating federal grants and loan programs to help students finance their educations, the legislation made key investments in institutions of higher education. Additionally, HEA ushered in programs, particularly the Federal TRIO programs, necessary for post-secondary access, retention and completion for low income, potential first-generation college graduates.

  • 62% of our Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship recipients are first gen.

  • 100% of our college exploration and engagement program students are first gen.

Today and every day, we honor you, your families and communities and celebrate your courage and perseverance as you journey to and through college!

Learn more about the Mission Scholarship program.

Mission, Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, and Partner Colleges Launch Four-Year Davis Maine Scholarship

September 23, 2019

For More Information
Contact: Scott K Fish
Communications and Marketing
[email protected]

Maine Seacoast Mission, Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, and Three Partner Colleges Launch Four-Year Davis Maine Scholarship

BAR HARBOR, ME — The Maine Seacoast Mission, the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, and three inaugural Partner Colleges — Clark University (MA), University of New England (ME), and Wheaton College (MA) — announce the launch of the Davis Maine Scholarship: a full, four-year scholarship for rural, first-generation college students from Washington and eastern Hancock Counties.

In announcing this new program, Andrew Davis of the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund said, “This is a remarkable opportunity for deserving Downeast high school scholars. We are creating this scholarship for students who excel in their studies, persist through hardship and will be among the first members of their families to go to college. I very much look forward to supporting our college and high school partners on behalf these exceptional young people. It is extremely exciting to play a role in showing the world what Downeast students can achieve.”

Christina Griffith, Davis Maine Scholarship Director at The Maine Seacoast Mission added “Coupled with the family and community strengths from which our Downeast students come, the Davis Maine Scholarship will provide Davis Scholars what they need to prepare for, persist through and successfully complete their undergraduate studies.”

At first, Davis Maine Scholars will be selected from two partner high schools: Narraguagus in Harrington, ME and Sumner Memorial in Sullivan, ME. The first Davis Maine Scholarship cohort will be selected as high school juniors in Fall, 2020. Prior to matriculating to college in Fall 2022, they will receive strategic college transition planning and support with college research, admissions and financial aid information, as well as tools for personal and academic college success. The Davis Maine Scholarship also includes family engagement workshops, given the integral role families play in supporting students through their college studies.

Davis Maine Scholarship Partner Colleges were selected based on their institutional commitment to increasing socioeconomic diversity through demonstrated success with serving first-generation college bound, low-income, rural students through existing programs and resources. Partner Colleges also demonstrated success with freshman retention and four-year college completion rates, especially among first-generation college bound students.

The Davis Maine Scholarship builds on the success of the Mission’s educational programs. For more than a century, the Mission has worked to address multi-generational poverty in rural Washington and eastern Hancock Counties through programs including the Mission Scholarship Program (Founded 1918), and the Ed Greaves Education (EdGE) K-12 youth development program (Founded 2002).

John Zavodny, Maine Seacoast Mission President said, “We are very pleased to be partnering with the Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund to continue to provide Downeast communities with greater access to higher education. This strong partnership will result in more college graduates, greater economic opportunity and new roads toward promising futures.”

Mission’s Initial College Exploration-Engagement Retreat a Success

Mission’s Initial College Exploration-Engagement Retreat a Success

BAR HARBOR, ME — These photos are from our initial CEECoast College Exploration and Engagement retreat the Maine Seacoast Mission (MSM) hosted, June 30 to July 2 at College of the Atlantic (COA) in Bar Harbor.

A dozen wonderful sophomores from Sumner and Narraguagus High Schools were selected to participate in this college readiness program providing mentoring and support as the students transition to and through college.

During the retreat the students enjoyed the beautiful COA campus, toured the college’s Beech Hill Farm, which is a working farm growing fresh vegetables, participated with COA professors in workshops, did team building activities and an art project.

Along with MSM Program Director for New Education Initiatives Christina Griffith, MSM Scholarship recipient and recent Husson University graduate Tristan Alley, and MSM Scholarship recipient and EdGE Journey Coordinator Briana West served as chaperones during the retreat.

To learn more email Director for New Education Initiatives Christina Griffith at [email protected].

Educator Joins Seacoast Mission Staff to Develop New Scholarship Programs

Educator Joins Seacoast Mission Staff to Develop New Scholarship Programs

BAR HARBOR, ME — Christina Griffith has joined the Maine Seacoast Mission, based in Bar Harbor, as Program Director for New Education Initiatives, where she will develop new college preparation and scholarship programs for students in Washington and Hancock counties.

“Christina has real expertise in programs that help students prepare for and succeed in college,” says Scott Planting, president of the Maine Seacoast Mission. “She has designed and launched successful programs in New Mexico, collaborating on similar programs in other states, and we’re fortunate to have her here in Maine now.”

Ms. Griffith has a strong background in education. She has served as a high school principal and a consultant working with schools to ensure college access and success for historically marginalized students.

From 2010 to 2016, she worked with the New Mexico Simon Scholars program to design a college preparation and transition curriculum and support structures that serve students who are low income and first-generation college bound.

From 2016 until her recent move to Maine, Ms. Griffith collaborated with the Native American Community Academy Network to facilitate strategic post-secondary planning and professional development on behalf of schools that serve Native American students in New Mexico. She has degrees from Bard College and the Harvard Divinity School.

“I am deeply grateful to join an organization that daily demonstrates its commitment to honoring, learning from and contributing to rural communities in ways that matter and last,” Griffith says. “I am excited about the hopeful work ahead and the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues on behalf of the wonderful students, families, schools and communities the Seacoast Mission serves.”


Portland Press Herald
Feb. 20, 2019


Christina Griffith joined Maine Seacoast Mission in Bar Harbor as program director for new education initiatives. Griffith brings a strong background in education including experience as a high school principal and a consultant. From 2010 to 2016, she worked with the New Mexico Simon Scholars program. Most recently, she collaborated with the Native American Community Academy Network.


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