June 4, 2018

For More Information
Contact: Scott K Fish
Marketing and Communications
[email protected] or 207-458-7185

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Fulfilling a ten-year dream, Maine Seacoast Mission opened its Weald Bethel Community Center with a celebration of friends, volunteers, builders, farmers, and Mission personnel on June 1. The completed Weald Bethel Community Center includes a commercial kitchen, dorm rooms, full bathroom and showers, washer/dryer, and more indoor open areas to accommodate the Mission’s community meals, coffees, and Housing Rehabilitation program volunteers.

Mission President Scott Planting and Mission Downeast Campus Director Wendy Harrington spoke briefly to the gathering of well-wishers.

“When I first started in 2010 there was talk about building a dormitory onto this building,” said President Planting. A “generous gift” enabled building plans to start in 2012.

Planting said, “Wendy, I especially want to thank you for your leadership, and your vision, and guiding this project to its completion. It’s my hope that this will be a center where people come together around their love of the place. I believe we cannot live a grounded life without being in a grounded place,” he said.

Wendy Harrington opened her remarks with, “I’m just in awe of this day that we’ve put together. This is a community resource that has been built by the Maine Seacoast Mission community, the Downeast community, our friends, our neighbors, our colleagues.”

The Downeast Campus director thanked a list of individuals and groups who helped make the Weald Bethel a reality.

“This is what we hope this community center becomes. A place where everyone is welcome,” Harrington said. A place where everyone belongs, can be themselves, have a wonderful meal, share laughter, fun, and some tears.”

For more information about Maine Seacoast Mission’s Weald Bethel Community Center, and its Downeast Campus activities.

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