Every so often, someone makes our day, sending us a note from our website, sharing new pieces of Mission history. These two recent messages are examples.
I was going through some my wife’s things and came across the book, “The Light of a Sunbeam,” written in 1993 by Cecil Mac Donald. It’s about the Mac Donald family tree [and] the formation of the Maine Sea Coast Missionary Society.
My wife is related to the Mac Donald family. Apparently she is the several “greats” granddaughter of Allan Mac Donald. We actually bought and live in her Great Aunt Maude Mac Donald’s home in California.
It is nice to find out Maine Seacoast Mission, founded over a hundred years ago, is still going.
My mother, Charlena G. was born and raised on Louds Island and she told me that when she was a small child that she always looked forward to a visit from “Gods Little Tug Boat.” She passed away in 2001 and I am sure she is with God.
She always told me how the Seacoast Missionaries and the little church on the island affected her life. She was a good mother.
I am wondering if you might have a picture of the boat that would visit the island in the twenties and thirties. I would love to see it. Thank you for your attention and for the message that was brought to my mother by “Gods Little Tug Boat.” She passed it on to my brother and me.