Mission Bangor International Airport Banner Highlights People We Serve

Mission Bangor International Airport Banner Highlights People We Serve

Maine Seacoast Mission banner at Bangor International Airport.

BAR HARBOR, ME — Starting this month, travelers in-and-out of Bangor International Airport will see Maine Seacoast Mission’s banner highlighting some of the wonderful people we serve. Travelers are encouraged to get involved, learn more by visiting seacoastmission.org/bgr

Celebrating Charlie Harrington – Faces of Charlie’s Work

Celebrating Charlie Harrington – Faces of Charlie’s Work

CHERRYFIELD, ME — This week the Mission reflects on where our EdGE program was 17 years ago, and where, under Director Charlie Harrington’s leadership, EdGE is today as Charlie retires.

Under Charlie’s leadership, EdGE has grown to include in-school and after-school programs, the Marion Kane Leadership program, EdGE summer camps, and the EdGE Journey program. Students challenge themselves, engage with their communities and the outdoors, and explore college and career options. The after-school program offers academic support, and in-school programs include peer mentoring for students beginning high school.

Click here to learn more about EdGE here.

Click here to send Charlie your personal note and/or to make an EdGE donation in his honor.

Village Soup: A Floating Health Clinic with a Mission

Village Soup: A Floating Health Clinic with a Mission

Photo by Fran Gonzalez

Front Street Shipyard refits Sunbeam V
A floating health clinic with a mission

By Fran Gonzalez | Jun 03, 2019

BELFAST — The first thing you notice when looking at the Sunbeam V, a black and white 74-foot steel boat docked at Front Street Shipyard, is the large cross painted on the bow.

According to Graham Fitch, shipyard project manager, the vessel is a telemedicine missionary vessel with the Maine Seacoast Mission, which serves remote islands east of Boothbay Harbor where health care access and mainland resources are limited.

The Mission’s website says the large cross dates from the late 1930s, when the international situation made it necessary to designate the vessel a mercy ship.

Built by Washburn and Doughty in East Boothbay, Sunbeam V was launched in 1995. A 250-horsepower single-screw diesel engine powers the vessel, which cruises at 10 knots. With its steel hull, the ship also has been called on to serve as an icebreaker, clearing harbors and protecting moored boats from damage.

Full story and photos

Celebrating Director Charlie Harrington – EdGE’s First In-School ‘Yes’

BAR HARBOR, ME — This week the Mission reflects on where our EdGE program was 17 years ago, and where, under Director Charlie Harrington’s leadership, EdGE is today as Charlie retires.

When MSAD 37 Superintendent Ron Ramsey was Principal of Acton Elementary School, he was the first school official to say “yes” to the EdGE Program. During EdGE’s 15th Anniversary event, Charlie singled out Supt. Ramsey, saying if not for his initial “yes,” there would be no EdGE program today.

The Mission interviewed Supt. Ron Ramsey in 2017 as a new Mission Board of Directors member. We asked why he said “yes” to Charlie, and about key experiences with EdGE over the years. This is excerpt #1 from Supt. Ramsey’s EdGE recollections.

Under Charlie’s leadership, EdGE has grown to include in-school and after-school programs, the Marion Kane Leadership program, EdGE summer camps, and the EdGE Journey program. Students challenge themselves, engage with their communities and the outdoors, and explore college and career options. The after-school program offers academic support, and in-school programs include peer mentoring for students beginning high school.

Click here to learn more about EdGE here.

Click here to send Charlie your personal note and/or to make an EdGE donation in his honor.

‘Sunbeam V’ Lifted Out of Water; Begins Routine Major Refit

‘Sunbeam V’ Lifted Out of Water; Begins Routine Major Refit

NORTHEAST HARBOR, ME — Captain Michael Johnson sent this photo with a note: “I always think of the Sunbeam as being a decent sized vessel, but she is dwarfed by Front Street Shipyard’s lift.”

The Sunbeam is having a routine major refit. It is scheduled to be back in Mission service by Christmas 2019.

Meanwhile, the Sunbeam crew will keep up their island work aboard the new Moonbeam and on airplanes.

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