by maineseacoast | Aug 1, 2019 | DETOP, Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Weald Bethel Community Center
Down East Magazine buffet
Judith prepping beer can chickens
A huge thank you to Down East Magazine editors Brian, Bob, Judith, and Roberta. We were honored the four of you would come to Cherryfield to host a Table of Plenty dinner, and we so appreciate the time and effort you put into the meal. I will never forget the toppling chickens and delicious entrees you prepared. It was a feast and lots of fun.
Some DETOP firsts: beer can chicken and more guests than our supply of plates and silverware. Down East Magazine was a big draw!
Again, thank you for including the Table of Plenty in Great Maine Scavenger Hunt. We have made many new friends through the Hunt, and had a wonderful time hosting, and getting to know, the volunteers. Their help every week has been a tremendous bonus. We have come to rely on them. Like you four, they bring new life and great energy to our community meal.
With gratitude,
Wendy Harrington
Maine Seacoast Mission Service Program Director
by maineseacoast | Jul 29, 2019 | Downeast Campus, Housing Rehabilitation, Maine Seacoast Mission, News
Mission Housing Rehabilitation Program Manager Scott Shaw
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Mission Housing Rehabilitation Program Manager Scott Shaw tells of “another great week of weather and amazing volunteers.”
The Housing Rehab volunteers were from Congregational Church of Laconia, NH and United Church of Christ Congregational of Boxborough, MA.
These photos show the terrific volunteers protecting Maine coastal area homes, inside and outside, from extreme windy, cold, and damp winters.
One of the NH volunteers, John Gill, went above-and-beyond by taking one of the best photos we’ve seen of Scott Shaw on-the-job. Scott gives the photo “a big thumbs up.”
Learn how you can help with the Mission’s Housing Rehabilitation Program.
by maineseacoast | Jul 29, 2019 | Island Health, Island Outreach, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam

Photo courtesy Portland Press Herald
Health care
Updated July 28
Maine still waiting for internet health care revolution
Poor broadband and out-of-step Medicare policies relegate the state’s use of telehealth to small niches when it should be in the mainstream.
By J. Craig Anderson, Staff Writer
Information technology should be revolutionizing the way patients in Maine interact with their health care providers, but poor broadband infrastructure and outdated federal policies are slowing progress to a crawl.
Many people believe the best way to increase access to quality, affordable health care in Maine is to connect more patients and providers in real time over the internet and cellular networks via an approach known broadly as telehealth, but there are major obstacles.
[One] program, created in 2001 by the Maine Seacoast Mission, involves a boat outfitted with telehealth equipment and staffed by nurse Sharon Daley, the mission’s director of island health. The mobile telehealth service regularly visits 10 inhabited islands east of Boothbay Harbor, including Frenchboro, Isle au Haut and Matinicus.
Daley said the program has saved island residents countless hours of costly travel for routine medical appointments.
“It costs a couple hundred dollars to go off-island,” she said. “You miss a day of work.”
Full report
by maineseacoast | Jul 28, 2019 | Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News
Dig, Milbridge!
July 25, 2019 by Johanna S. Billings on Arts & living, Lifestyle
Incredible Edible “brings people together,” said Chris Kuhni, executive director of the Women’s Health Resource Library, which is behind the effort. In fact, the idea for the cookbook, “The Humble Veggie,” came from the fact that garden visitors enjoyed swapping recipes and cooking advice.
The gardens provide food for the community as well as exercise and social time.
As word spread about the gardens, everyone has been supportive.
Kuhni said WHRL is offering vegetable cooking classes. A harvest table cooking class runs from July through March at the Maine Seacoast Mission campus in Cherryfield. Others are in the works.
“We’ve wanted to get the cooking piece in there for a long time,” Stewart said.
Full story
by maineseacoast | Jul 25, 2019 | Island Health, Island Outreach, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Sunbeam
BELFAST, ME — Thank you, Captain Michael Johnson for keeping us up-to-speed, through words and photos, of progress on the Sunbeam refit.

The shower on the Sunbeam upper level, used only by me, is being removed. Two showers on a smallish boat are not necessary. This area will be repurposed into a closet with an upright freezer so Jillian, the Sunbeam Steward, will not have to leave the main deck for anything other than sleep. The blue tape shows the general outline of the freezer. This new configuration will also improve traffic flow in the forward hallway.

This area behind the pilot house is the re-vamped ventilation inlet for the lower cabins. This will allow better airflow to the lower deck areas with increased crew comfort in summer. The installed fan will be variable speed and reversible. Combined with open portholes we can quickly cool the cabins on hot days.

Removed 50 kw and 30 kw generators. These are being replaced more smaller, more fuel efficient and quieter units.
Learn more about the Sunbeam V, crew, and their work among Maine unbridged islands.
by maineseacoast | Jul 24, 2019 | DETOP, Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Weald Bethel Community Center
Judy and friends at DETOP
Healthy Acadia teens prepare DETOP meal
Heidi and family at DETOP
Betty and Ted at DETOP
David Wrinkly and Sarah M at DETOP
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Last weekend was a “big weekend” at our Downeast Community Campus for Down East magazine’s Great Maine Scavenger Hunt volunteers, said Mission Service Program Director Wendy Harrington.
The Hunt’s purpose is to send “Down East readers out to explore all 35,385 square miles of Maine — from mountains to sea, from potato fields to city streets — in pursuit of the best Maine summer ever.” One item on the Hunt’s list is to be at a “Community Supper in Cherryfield.”
“We had nine participants help prepare and serve the meal on Sunday,” said Director Wendy Harrington. “Teens and staff from Healthy Acadia’s Teen Ag Summer Program harvested, prepared and served a delicious spaghetti supper with lots of delicious salads and vegetable stir fried dishes,” Harrington said.
Learn how you can attend and/or sponsor a Table of Plenty Community Supper. Click here.