Since 1918, the Mission has awarded almost $3 million to 3,692 deserving students in Hancock and Washington Counties. Each year the Mission awards approximately 30 new scholarships based on student financial needs and academic promise. Scholarships can be renewed each year of a multi-year program, resulting in nearly 100 Mission scholarships in any given year.
In 2019 the Mission renewed 60 scholarships totaling $106,500, and awarded 28 new scholarships totaling $59,000.
ROCKPORT, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission spent last weekend at the 45th Maine Fishermen’s Forum. The Sunbeam crew and Mission President John Zavodny, took turns at the Mission booth, reconnecting with old friends, and meeting plenty of new ones. The accompanying photo shows (L-R) Sunbeam Engineer Storey King, Island Health Services Director Sharon Daley, RN, and President Zavodny.
The Mission booth highlighted the Sunbeam crew’s work among island unbridged communities. The Forum was also an opportunity for the Mission to provide informational updates on the Sunbeam‘s routine major refit.
BELFAST, ME — Sunbeam Captain Mike Johnson demonstrating one of the new anti-fog pilot house windows. This photo was taken late February 2020 by Mission Communications Associate Hunter Billings at Front Street Shipyard in Belfast, ME.
Before and during the Sunbeam routine major refit, Capt. Mike self-produced walk-through video updaters on the work in progress. In February, Hunter manned the camcorder and worked with Mike on the latest boat updater video which will soon be available to the public.
Meanwhile, take a peek at Capt. Mike’s last updater video from September 2019.
BELFAST, ME — Front Street Shipyard, where the Mission’s boat Sunbeam is undergoing a routine major refit, posted these photos showing a “boiler and new generators are in place on Sunbeam.”
Photo of Ana Rosa Valencia Jungo Courtesy Ellsworth American
BAR HARBOR, ME — Mission Director of Student Pathways Christina Griffith brought this Ellsworth American story to our attention. Ana Rosa Valencia Jungo, said Director Griffith, “is one of our wonderful college readiness students.” The Mission’s college readiness program provides mentoring and support as students involved transition to and through college.
Fifteen roses
March 4, 2020 – by Rebecca Alley
SULLIVAN — In Hispanic culture, a young girl’s passage to womanhood and her faith is celebrated at age 15 in the quinceañera (pronounced keen-say-en-yera), said to date back to the ancient Aztec Indians in Mexico). In the 1500s, age 15 was considered the midway point in an Aztec girl’s lifespan. Under Spanish rule, the rite of passage morphed into a ball and incorporated traditional Catholic beliefs.
Last December, Ana Rosa Valencia Jungo and her three siblings traveled to western Mexico to celebrate her own quinceañera in her parents Elio Valencia and Rosalba Jungo’s home state of Michoacan. Her sisters Yesenia, 21, Adriana, 20, and Angel, 14, went too.
A sophomore at Sumner Memorial High School…Ana Rosa’s parents spent much of last year planning their youngest daughter’s quinceañera in Santa Ana Maya.
“It’s coming out and becoming a woman,” Ana Rosa summed up, adding, “you aren’t a kid anymore, you should be making good decisions in your life.”
CHERRYFIELD, ME — The Maine Outdoor School served as a co-host for the recent Winter Family Carnival at the Mission’s Downeast Campus in Cherryfield, ME. In addition to many available indoor activities, families were also offered — and took part in — outdoor activities.
These photos of kids having fun and learning outdoors at the Family Carnival are courtesy Maine Outdoor School’s Co-Founder, Co-CEO, and Naturalist Educator Hazel Stark.
“We had a blast helping families get to know the forest using their senses this weekend at the Winter Family Carnival,” said Maine Outdoor School in a tweet.