MBH&H at Home – ‘Sunbeam V’
ROCKLAND, ME — Thank you, Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors for this current video profile of the Mission’s Sunbeam V. Well done.
ROCKLAND, ME — Thank you, Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors for this current video profile of the Mission’s Sunbeam V. Well done.
Nonprofit Gets Creative to Deliver Food to Maine Islands
May 29, 2020
BAR HARBOR, Maine – Demand for emergency food from food pantries is up around 50% in Maine since the COVID-19 outbreak. And when you live on an island, it can be that much harder to get.
The Maine Seacoast Mission has gotten creative to deliver groceries to people on the islands who need them.
They had to stop using their boat for deliveries when the shutdown began in March. Instead, they quickly coordinated with Penobscot Air to fly the food in.
Sharon Daley is the director of Island Health for the Mission, and also an island resident. She describes what many islanders have been facing.
“They’ve got a double issue with food,” says Daley. “First of all, people not working – lobstering being bad, sternmen not being able to earn any income right off. Then, there’s also the issues of getting the food out to the islands.”
The Maine Seacoast Mission also has helped set up food pantries on Matinicus and Frenchboro islands with the support of the Area Interfaith Outreach or ‘AIO’ Food Pantry and the Bar Harbor Food Bank.
BAR HARBOR, ME — It’s Thank you Thursday and today’s shout out of Mission Love goes to Kevin Waters, owner and chief pilot, and the whole team at Penobscot Island Air. They do it all. Supporting islanders with food and medicine deliveries; transporting patients for medical care and Mission staff providing services; always thinking ahead and doing what is helpful, safe, and right! They are phenomenal people, with hearts of gold.
This is what community looks like.
MATINICUS ISLAND, ME — With the Sunbeam out of the water for a refit, and our temporary boat, Moonbeam, out of the water for the cold weather months, the Mission has partnered more often with our allies Penobscot Island Air, to carry out work on some of the islands. May 11, 2020’s air trip to-and-from Matinicus Island to restock the food pantry is a case in point.
Standing on the ground at Matinicus Airport, watching the Penobscot Island Air plane land and depart is something to see — and not many people get to see it happen.
Here’s a short clip made in January 2018 during a Sunbeam telemedicine visit to Matinicus. A New York Times writer and a photographer were on board for the three-day trip. They asked to see the Matinicus Airport. While we were there, the Mission’s communications and marketing guy shot this clip with an iPhone. The plane is arriving from Rockland, ME, delivering the island mail and a school superintendent.
MATINICUS ISLAND, ME — Monday, May 11, Matinicus Island’s Food Pantry is restocked thanks to Area Interfaith Outreach Pantry and Emergency Services and Maine Seacoast Mission.
Thank you Penobscot Island Air crew, Sharon Leckbee Daley, and Robin T for all the organization and shuffling.
BAR HARBOR, ME — This week’s shout-out of Mission Love goes to the Island Eldercare Network. With skill and caring, this group of dedicated individuals from 10 unbridged islands supports seniors aging well in place and in island eldercare facilities.
Meeting weekly via Zoom, they share knowledge to maintain the well-being of island seniors. The importance of their work has never been more evident than today.
Check out this video from their January retreat which addressed issues ranging from dementia care to self-care.
This is what community looks like.