by maineseacoast | Jun 18, 2019 | Colket Center, EdGE, Events, Maine Seacoast Mission, News

15th Annual Open Tennis Tournament-Silent Auction to Benefit EdGE
Rain date Sunday, September 8, 2019
For information about playing or sponsorship opportunities, contact Anna Silver at [email protected] or 207-801-6011.
The Maine Seacoast Mission’s EdGE program helps Downeast Maine youth succeed in school and life. EdGE’s after-school, in-school, and summer programs provide activities supporting academic skills and performance. Youth learn to work in groups, develop social skills, and build character—all while having fun.
Official Event Page
by maineseacoast | Nov 26, 2018 | Christmas, Colket Center, Events, Maine Seacoast Mission, News
November 26, 2018
Contact: Scott K Fish, Marketing and Communications
207-458-7185 or <[email protected]>
BAR HARBOR, ME — Let the Holidays begin! The Maine Seacoast Mission’s Open House and Silent Wreath Auction is Friday, December 7, 2018, 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Colket Center, 127 West Street, Bar Harbor, ME.
Please join us for an evening of refreshments, music, the chance to take home a beautiful holiday wreath, and see the historic Colket Center beautifully decorated by your neighbors for the holidays.
The Mission’s Christmas Program provides gifts for island and coastal children and the elderly. The signature white paper bundles with red string have brightened Christmas mornings for over 100 years.
Thank you to our generous community for contributing to this event and auction. Your donation and winning bids support the Mission’s Christmas Program. Victor Stanley’s “Christmas 1968” in the December 2018 Down East magazine shares his personal perspective on what Maine Seacoast Mission’s Christmas Program meant to his family fifty years ago, with a reminder that, “[The] Mission still…help[s] families through long and cold Maine winters.”
For more information call the Mission at 207-288-5097 or visit us on the web at

by maineseacoast | Aug 23, 2018 | EdGE, Events, Maine Seacoast Mission

BAR HARBOR, ME — This September the Mission holds its 14th Annual Open Tennis Tournament at Northeast Harbor Tennis Club. The Mission and the tennis pros would like to find ways to engage EdGE kids in tennis more often.
Maine Seacoast Mission EdGE’s innovative in-school and after-school, and summer programs help Downeast Maine kids by providing tools and resources to succeed in school and in life.
EdGE offers fun and engaging programs with opportunities to learn skills, improve academic performance, work effectively in groups and build character.
Thank you to:
Title sponsors: Bar Harbor Bank and Trust and Wyman’s of Maine
Team Sponsors: Acadia Puzzles; Dead River Co.; John Williams Boat Company; Machias Savings Bank; R.H. Foster, LLC; Seal Cove Auto Museum; Small Animal Clinic, and
Court Sponsors: Bar Harbor Savings and Loan; J.T. Rosborough
For information about playing or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Anna at the Maine Seacoast Mission: [email protected] or 207-288-5097.
by maineseacoast | Jul 3, 2018 | Events, Maine Seacoast Mission, Sunbeam, Uncategorized

August 17, 2018
The Bar Harbor Club
5:30 pm Cocktails
7:00 pm Dinner and program
For reservations, register online here.
For more information call Anna Silver at 207-801-6011 or by email.
by maineseacoast | Jun 8, 2018 | Downeast Campus, Events, Joan's Coffee House, Maine Seacoast Mission

Joan’s Coffee House, Downeast Campus, Friday, June 8
Every Friday morning, 9:30 – 11:30, our Downeast Campus in Cherryfield, ME opens its doors to anyone wanting to enjoy coffee, goodies, and a chance to visit neighbors. Learn More
by maineseacoast | Jun 8, 2018 | DETOP, Downeast Campus, Events, Maine Seacoast Mission

Please join us, Sunday, June 10, for our Downeast Table of Plenty (DETOP).
Would you like to host a DETOP meal? Thank you. Please go to the calendar website (SignUp), and schedule your Sunday, or email Wendy Harrington.
CHERRYFIELD, ME — Each Sunday afternoon, 3:30-5:00 pm, at the Mission’s Downeast Table of Plenty, everyone is welcome to share satisfying, home-cooked meals.
People age two to ninety, from every segment of the community attend. Music, conversation, and laughter preside. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.
The Table of Plenty takes place in the EdGE building on our Downeast Campus every Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Meals are provided by volunteers.
If you would like to host a meal, please go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or email Wendy Harrington.