Knitting for the Mission for more than a century

Knitting for the Mission for more than a century

A color photo of a person crocheting

Last year, the Mission received more than 2,000 handcrafted hats, mittens, scarves, socks, and lap blankets from around the country. While it is not clear when the first knitted item was given as a Christmas present on the Maine coast, as early as 1910, the Mission noted in its Annual Report that knitted mittens and hats were donated to its Christmas Program alongside clothing, dolls, and books. Now, more than a century later, a knitted item is included in every gift given by the Mission and has become a staple of the Christmas Program 

Your gift to the Maine Seacoast Mission makes you part of all we do.

As part of the Mission’s exhibit at the Great Harbor Maritime Museum, a pair of knitted mittens by Alice Carter were included alongside the history of the Mission’s Christmas Program. Alice spent the first six years of her life living on Mark Island, off Stonington, with her grandparents. Her grandfather was the lighthouse keeper on the island from 1923 to 1935. Every year she received a gift from the Mission: an article of clothing, a toy, and an orange.

n later years, Alice began making mittens of her own to donate to the Mission. Many coastal residents still remember the years when the Mission might have given them their only Christmas gift and always included was either a hat or a pair of mittens. They fondly share the importance of the Mission and many would go on like Alice, to continue to support the Christmas Program for years to come.  

By the 1920s, knitting had become integral to the Mission’s work and in the Annual Report the Mission specifically asked for donations of knitted items. In 1935, the Mission thanked knitting groups for their donations including one group that sent 464 items to the Mission. Knitters and crocheters have continued to make and send items to the Mission for decades, sometimes sent with notes that speak of generations of grandmothers, mothers, and daughters.  

And while mittens might not be at the top of most kids’ wish lists today, they often are a favorite of many kids. Douglas Cornman, Director of Island Services, says many times kids overlook the toys and go straight for their new hat and mittens. “It amazes me when they do this. They love their new hat and mittens and want to know how Santa knew their favorite color. Their wonder and amazement adds to the magic of Christmas.”     

Now, the Mission is reaching out to current knitters and crocheters to find out more about their connection to the Mission. If you have created handmade items for the Mission, please let us know by filling out this survey. And because the Mission still gives thousands of knit items to people living on the coast each year, new knitters and crocheters are welcome to send their items to Maine Seacoast Mission Christmas Program, PO Box 428/ 6 Weald Bethel Lane, Cherryfield, ME  04622. 

To learn more about the Christmas program and its impact here

Celebrate the holidays with the Mission Downeast and in Northeast Harbor

Celebrate the holidays with the Mission Downeast and in Northeast Harbor

Color Photo of Santa and Mrs Claus

Join the Mission for two Christmas events in December. Visit the Mission’s Colket Center during the Northeast Harbor Christmas Festival to make crafts, enjoy a festive atmosphere, and welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus to town. Then travel Downeast to Cherryfield to celebrate Christmas with cookie decorating, games, crafting and more. 

Your gift to the Maine Seacoast Mission makes you part of all we do.

On Saturday, December 7, join the Mission for three events at its offices at 6 Old Firehouse Lane during Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce’s Northeast Harbor Christmas Festival. From 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. families can create a jingle bell noise maker to welcome Santa and Mrs. Claus. At 3:30 p.m., the Mission’s flagship boat, the Sunbeam, will deliver Santa and Mrs. Claus to Northeast Harbor’s marina. From 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. the Mission will welcome guests for an open house. Stop by for holiday cheer and lite refreshments.

On Friday, December 13 from 4 to 6 p.m., the Mission’s 63-acre Cherryfield campus will host a Christmas celebration. During this event, children and adults can engage in a variety of crafts including ornament making and dreidel painting. There will also be games, cookie decorating, and a photo station. In Weald Bethel Community Center there will be light refreshments and a hot chocolate bar will be available at the Weald Bethel Community Center while campfire and s’mores will take place outside on Mission grounds. 

Both events are free and open to the public. To learn more about the Northeast Harbor Christmas Festival and additional activities offered that day, please visit the Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce website. For more information about the Cherryfield event, contact the Mission at (207) 546-4466  

Fall/Winter Bulletin Puts Community First

Fall/Winter Bulletin Puts Community First

Community First is part oath and part rallying cry. It is both Mission history and Mission plan. A prayer and a promise.” Mission President John Zavodny shares when explaining how the phrase Community First was a central tenant of the Mission’s 2023 planning and listening sessions. The phrase also became the theme of this Fall/Winter Bulletin which hit mailboxes mid-month.  

As part of this “Community First” focus, the Bulletin shares more about our partners including one of our longest standing partnerships with Sigma Kappa Sorority. The story shares more about our 100 plus year partnership and how that has evolved and changed. Alongside this story is a profile of a young fisherman on Isle au Haut and an introduction to Ann Backus, Director of Outreach Program at the Harvard Chan Education and Research Center for Occupational Health and Safety, who is working with islanders and fisherman to learn more about the risks they face on the water. 

Cover of the Fall/Winter 2024 Bulletin

The Bulletin underwent a redesign to better reflect the work the Mission is doing, with more dynamic colors and design, the new Bulletin features community and partner profiles alongside a longer feature story, introductions to Mission people and more stories about our programs. These profiles help give a face and story to the people who both help the Mission and receive Mission services. 

Your gift to the Maine Seacoast Mission makes you part of all we do.

In this new Bulletin, the Mission also brings readers to the newly updated and renovated Downeast Campus in Cherryfield. The changes to the campus began as conversations with community members a handful of years ago, after hearing from these stakeholders, the Mission started planning. Construction began in earnest last winter stretching into the spring.

The Bulletin walks readers through the changes made on the campus from the new Downeast Engagement Center to the pole-based challenge course to the new cabins down by the Weald Bethel Community Center. Along the way, community members share what the improvements have meant to them.   

To read the full issue of the Bulletin visit Our Publications page.  

Community Profile: Derrick Sibbald of Isle au Haut

Community Profile: Derrick Sibbald of Isle au Haut

The Mission’s communities are vibrant and diverse and they span a nine-thousand-five-hundred square mile area that more than ninety-thousand Mainers call home spanning from southern Maine to the Canadian border. We are sharing the stories of these people and their communities, in their own words. Meet Derrick Sibbald who lives on Isle au Haut. 

How long have you been on your island, or coming to your island? 

I moved out to Isle au Haut in 1993, when I was a kid, and we moved off in 1996. I moved back in 2013. 

What’s special to you about your island? 

I think my favorite thing is probably the community. Everyone is close, and you know everyone. It just makes it feel like almost everybody’s family. It’s definitely an interesting dynamic.   

What’s challenging? 

There’s a lot of just physical challenges of getting stuff here and living here because, it’s not easy to get what you need. There are also emotional challenges, it’s harder to meet new people, but I feel like you have better connections with the people you know. It’s kind of a tradeoff. 

What do you like to do here? Work, play, or otherwise? 

I love my job and I like to go hiking with my dog. She’s always up for a hike. I like to go swimming in the ponds.  

Your gift to the Maine Seacoast Mission makes you part of all we do.

Are you currently working on any special projects? 

I’m trying to fix my house. I’m 1/3 of way through roof again, that’s kind of been on a one-year hiatus. I knew it was going to be a huge project. The boat hopefully doesn’t need any more work. It had a lot this spring. I don’t know if it’s me, but it seems like every time I fix something, something else breaks. Fix your roof, fix your truck, fix your boat. 

Is it important for the Mission to visit your island ? 

What I like about the Mission is that it feels like part of the community to me. I feel like I have a very close relationship with the people on the Sunbeam. And I think it also feels to me like the Sunbeam connects the outer islands, even though we generally don’t interact that much.  

Learn more about the Sunbeam and the services it brings to outer, unbridged islands.

Sign Up for the Mission’s Christmas Program  

Sign Up for the Mission’s Christmas Program  

A young girl looks at the camera in front of a Christmas tree. She is writing on a piece of paper and is next to a mailbox that reads "Letters to Santa"

Since 1905, Maine Seacoast Mission has helped generations of children and families have a merry Christmas through its Christmas Program. If you or someone you know needs assistance in placing presents under the tree this year, families can now sign up to recieve gifts for children under 18.  

The Christmas Program serves residents of Addison, Beals Island, Cherryfield, Columbia, Columbia Falls, Deblois, Harrington, Jonesboro, Jonesport, Machias, Milbridge, Steuben, Mount Desert Island towns, and islands served by the Sunbeam. In 2023, more than 9,000 gifts were distributed to individuals in the Mission’s service area.

Your gift to the Maine Seacoast Mission makes you part of all we do.

“A joyful tradition at Maine Seacoast Mission, our Christmas program makes sure that families in our communities can enjoy the holiday together no matter what barriers may arise,” explains Kaysie Logan, Community Engagement Coordinator. 

Starting in late October, the Mission turns part of its Cherryfield campus into “Santa’s Workshop” where elves, a.k.a. Mission volunteers, receive donated items, organize presents for shopping, and stage a gift-wrapping station.

Once a family’s request is received, Mission staff arrange a day for parents and guardians to shop for presents. Alternatively, parents and guardians can pick up or have delivered pre-selected items that match requests as best as possible. In addition to toys, children can receive books, clothing, other small items, and toiletries. Based on age and preference, families receive several gifts for each child. Gifts can either be left unwrapped or wrapped in the Mission’s iconic white parchment paper tied with red string. 

Families can sign up to shop or receive gifts from the Christmas Program here or contact Community Engagement Coordinator Kaysie Logan at [email protected] or (207) 598-6799. 

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