Thank you, George Smith, for this terrific review of The Island Reader 2020. It is available online to read or download.

The Island Reader has great poems, stories, and photos of Maine’s islands
August 7, 2020 – Book Reviews, Life, Maine, Photography, Travel
By George Smith

The Maine Seacoast Mission does a lot for people in Downeast communities and on our islands. And one thing they do that benefits all of us is publish books of poems, stories, and beautiful photos by Maine islanders. Their latest book, published in the summer of 2020, is really great.

Linda and I love Maine’s islands, and our favorites are Monhegan and Swan’s Island, both of which are featured in this book. Kristen Lindquist wrote a wonderful story about a massive number of migrating monarch butterflies which take a break on Monhegan.

Adrian Lyn’s story of a remote beach on Swan’s Island brought back great memories. Linda and I loved that beach and spent time there every time we visited the island. You drive down a gravel road, park and walk quite ways through the woods to get to the beach, which was never crowded. Sometimes we were the only ones on the beach.

I’m sure you will find some favorite poems and stories in this book, and I guarantee you will love the photos.

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