It’s Thank you Thursday and today’s shout out of Mission Love goes to Downeast Community Partners (DCP).

DCP was created in 2017 with the merger of two organizations: Washington Hancock Community Agency and Child and Family Opportunities. With headquarters in Ellsworth and Machias, the new DCP was, and is, designed to improve the quality of life and reduce the impact of poverty in Downeast communities.

For years DCP and the Mission have partnered to keep families and individuals in Washington and parts of Hancock County in safe, warm homes. Each year, area residents can apply for a housing repair assist.

In brief, the Mission’s Housing Rehabilitation Program, with its talented, hardworking volunteers, puts homes into shape — trailer skirting, roofing, building decks, scraping and painting, and other repair work. DCP then completes the work with its weatherization program: insulation, thermal windows, new doors.

And Monday, August 3, DCP and the Mission were on site in Milbridge to see its latest Downeast Maine Tiny House Project — in partnership with C.F. Adams Charitable Trust and Assabet Valley Regional High School — placed on its concrete foundation.

We’re looking forward to many more years teaming up with Downeast Community Partners.

This is what community looks like.

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