It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to Shelby Young.

Shelby, a Mission scholar who just graduated from Simmons University, has been a mentor to younger kids in our Journey program, and was part of the interview team for the Davis Maine Scholars program.

Christina Griffith, Mission Director of Student Pathways said, “This spring, when seeking a Mission Scholar to join our inaugural Davis Maine Scholarship interview committee, Shelby came immediately to mind. Her kind presence, thoughtful questions, and invaluable insights as a first-generation college student were essential throughout our interview process.

“If her impressive professional paths find her wanting to engage further with our students, we will always welcome her. Humbly, beautifully, Shelby exemplifies strength, spirit and service. We are inspired and grateful,” said Director Christina Griffith.

This is what community looks like.

Davis Maine Scholarship Online

Journey Online

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