It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to the YWCA of Mount Desert Island in Bar Harbor.
The YWCA MDI’s sweatshirt drive collected 90 pieces of clothing for the Golden Acres Homes, delivering the clothes to the Mission’s Downeast Campus. Mission Family and Community Resource Coordinator Stephanie Moores (shown in photo) sorted the items for distribution to the eight Hancock and Washington County homes.
According to its Facebook page, YWCA MDI, founded in 1904, is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting justice, freedom, and dignity for all. The organization offers safe, affordable accommodations to women and girls on Mount Desert Island. Women of all ages are welcome to participate in the programs.
Thank you, YWCA MDI. This is what community looks like.
On the web https://www.ywcamdi.org/