It’s Thank you Thursday. Today’s shout out of Mission love goes to Isle au Haut ferry Captain Mike Moffett.
Sunbeam Captain Mike Johnson explains, “The ferry is a lifeline for any island. The Isle au Haut ferry carries passengers and freight from its home port in Stonington to the public landing in the Isle au Haut thoroughfare.
“One of the captains is Mike Moffett,” continues Capt. Johnson. “Mike is superb at the wheel, and is quick with a smile for those around him. As a fellow user of the landing, the Sunbeam works carefully with the ferry service to coordinate use of the facility. Mike is easy to work with, and we share a mutual respect of both organizations.
“Mike has also been seen aboard the Sunbeam as a fill-in first mate. His skills are equally impressive on our ship where he stands watch and mingles with our friends on the islands with a comfortable familiarity,” said Johnson.
This is what community looks like