by maineseacoast | Feb 24, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scholarships

Maine Seacoast Mission scholarship recipients.
February 24, 2020
Contact Scott K Fish, Communications and Marketing
[email protected] or 207-458-7185
Maine Seacoast Mission 2020 Scholarship Applications Now Available Online
BAR HARBOR, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission’s Scholarship Program 2020 Application and Re-Application are available now for downloading online. The deadline postmark for applying for a Mission scholarship is May 1, 2020.
Through its Scholarship Program, the Mission helps recent high school graduates and adults, from Maine’s offshore islands and Downeast communities, continue their educations and achieve their dreams.
Since 1918, the Mission has awarded almost $3 million to 3,692 deserving students. Each year the Mission awards approximately 30 new scholarships based on student financial needs and academic promise. Scholarships can be renewed each year of a multi-year program, resulting in nearly 100 Mission scholarships in any given year.
Mission President John Zavodny said, “As the first member of my family to complete college, I am a big believer in the transformational power of education. Whether through college, online learning, technical schools, bridge programs, apprenticeships — the many effective ways for students of all ages to now continue their education are incredibly important. The Mission is grateful to have helped so many people reach their education goals over the last century and we are committed to continuing our support for many generations to come.”
In 2019 the Mission renewed 60 scholarships totaling $106,500, and awarded 28 new scholarships totaling $59,000.
“Act now to apply for one of the Mission’s amazing scholarships,” said Scholarships Program Director Terri Rodick. “We offer financial help and emotional support too. Don’t wait until it’s too late.”
Applications and Re-Applications are available here. Please send any questions to Scholarship Director Terri Rodick at [email protected].
by maineseacoast | Feb 6, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scholarships

Scholarship Director Terri Rodick, front row center, with Mission scholars in late 2019
BAR HARBOR, ME — Ellsworth radio station WDEA AM 1370 gleaned from the University of Maine’s Dean’s List 2019 the names of those students listed from Hancock and Washington Counties.
Among those students are these Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship recipients: Molly Brown Austin Stover, Lindsay Bland, Keely Tibbetts, Ali Eaton, Jude Zanoni, Andrea Knapp, and Shaina Murdaugh.
After looking over UM’s Dean’s List 2019, Mission Scholarship Director Terri Rodick said, “These students are a great group of young adults. I am pleased to see they are all doing so well and proudly representing the Mission with great pride and honor.”
The Mission’s 2020 Scholarship Application and Re-Application will be available for downloading later this month on the Mission web site.
by maineseacoast | Jan 6, 2020 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scholarships

The Event for Scholars in Trenton, ME
BAR HARBOR, ME — On Sunday, December 29, 2019, Mission Director of Student Pathways Christina S. Griffith, and Mission Scholarships Program Director Terri Rodick hosted a three-hour Event for Scholars at Trenton, ME‘s Town Hill Community Hall.
Eleven Mission Scholarship recipients and one parent attended the Event. A few days prior, Director Griffith said of the Event, “It will include a bit of checking in/discussion as well as just fun hanging out.”
Learn more about the Mission’s Scholarships.
by maineseacoast | Jul 10, 2019 | Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scholarships, Scott Planting
Mission Scholarships Program Director Terri Rodick with scholarship recipient Lily.
Mission President John Zavodny offers advice on the elements of college success.
Former Mission President Scott Planting congratulates awardee Hannah.
Tristan, a former scholarship recipient, offering advice to the new awardees.
Group shot of the Mission’s 2019 Scholarship recipients.
BAR HARBOR, ME — After a several year hiatus, the Maine Seacoast Mission Scholarship BBQ, revived and renamed the Presidents Scholarship BBQ, was held earlier this month on the College of the Atlantic campus in Bar Harbor.
Several Mission presidents were in attendance, including Scott Planting (this was one of his favorite events during his tenure) and current President John Zavodny.
College of the Atlantic President Darron Collins welcomed the Mission scholarship recipients. All of the Presidents offered the students, headed off to different colleges, their best advice!
Learn more about the Mission’s Scholarships Programs.
by maineseacoast | Jun 18, 2019 | Colket Center, John Zavodny, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Scholarships
Becca Blanch
Matthew Correia
Madison Greenlaw
June 18, 2019
For More Information
Contact Scholarship Director Terri Rodick
[email protected] or 207-801-6008
Maine Seacoast Mission Announces Its 2019 Scholarship Awards
BAR HARBOR, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission has announced its 2019 scholarship awards. The Seacoast Mission has 100-year history of providing financial support to promising young adults from Downeast and island communities. Scholarship Director Terri Rodick noted an overall increase in the 2019 total scholarship amount, commenting that “this year we renewed sixty scholarships totaling $106,500, and awarded twenty-eight new scholarships totaling $59,000.”
Mission scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need and academic promise. Most scholarships are renewable, permitting students to reapply for all four years of college as long as they meet the Mission scholarship criteria. Scholarships range in amount from $1,500 – $5,000.
John Zavodny, Maine Seacoast Mission President, indicated that “the Mission has a long tradition of supporting the aspirations of the students involved in our educational programming – from their elementary school years, continuing through post-secondary opportunities. We look forward to continued investment in the potential of these young people, the future of our community,” said President Zavodny.
Among the Mission’s new scholarship recipients this year, Becca Blanch, an outstanding student at Washington Academy in East Machias received the Mary Turnbull Elliot Nursing Scholarship, a new scholarship award. Ms. Blanch, who has always known she wanted to be a nurse, will be attending Husson University in Bangor.
The David and Ann Ingram Scholarship was awarded to Matthew Correia from Sumner High School in Sullivan. Mr. Correia is a volunteer firefighter for Winter Harbor and has trained for certifications in CPR and first aid. The three-sport athlete looks forward to entering Eastern Maine Community College in the fall and will study Fire Science Technology, pursuing his passion.
The Mission’s Angus MacDonald Scholarship, named after one of the Mission’s founders, was awarded to Shead High School student Madison Greenlaw. Ms. Greenlaw has received academic recognition from the Maine Society of Women Engineers and Phi Beta Kappa. She has also served as President of the Passamaquoddy Chapter of the National Honor Society for the past two years. She will be a freshman at the Maine College of Health Professions in Lewiston in the fall.
Terri Rodick said applications and re-applications for the Mission’s 2020 Scholarships will be available from December 2019 to May 1, 2020. Ms. Rodick can be reached by email at [email protected].