by maineseacoast | Jun 5, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News
Cherryfield, ME — Here is a photo of Food Pantry ManagerĀ & Senior Companion Program Supervisor Gena Norgaard, Robbie and all the master gardener volunteers getting the garden planted. (From Downeast Campus CaretakerĀ & Housing Rehabilitation Program Coordinator Scott Shawš
by maineseacoast | Nov 8, 2016 | Downeast Campus, News
Gena Norgaard harvesting carrots at Downeast Campus organic garden. (Photo by Wendy Harrington)
Cherryfield —Ā Our Downeast Campus includes a quarter-acre organic vegetable garden where volunteers from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners program work with Mission staff to grow more than 2,000 pounds of produce annually for the food pantry and the Downeast Table of Plenty.
The carrots are harvested, the fence is down, and the garden is put to bed for the winter. A cover crop of oats, visible in this photo growing behind Food Pantry Manager & Senior Companion Program Supervisor Gena Norgaard, is planted to help replenish the nutrients.
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