Celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the Mission’s Downeast Table of Plenty

Celebrating the 6th Anniversary of the Mission’s Downeast Table of Plenty

CHERRYFIELD — Wendy Harrington,  the Mission’s Downeast Campus Director sent this news and photo saying, “I’ve attached a photo of some of the founders of the Table of Plenty at the 6th Anniversary dinner.

“On Sunday, December 4th, the Downeast Table of Plenty’s 6th anniversary, we celebrated the Table of Plenty and the wonderful people who make it so special.

“We celebrated the people who cook the meals, those who set up and clean up, the loyal patrons who come every week, the musicians who share their gifts each week.”

Learn More about our Downeast Table of Plenty.

Downeast Table of Plenty 6th Anniversary

L-R: Linda Rees, Bonnie Johnson, Bunny Look, Alice Duston, Wendy Harrington, Jillian

Scott Planting: After College, Most Island Students Want to Come Back Home

Scott Planting: After College, Most Island Students Want to Come Back Home

Rev. Scott PlantingBAR HARBOR — November 15, 2016, Education Talk Radio Host Larry Jacobs interviewed Mission President Scott Planting on Bench-Marking Success in the Opportunity Gap.

In the podcast segment here, Scott Planting answers Larry Jacobs’s question about reactions from parents and students on the unbridged islands the Mission serves, when those students must leave the islands to attend college.

Scott Planting tells Larry Jacobs, the large majority of these island students want to return home after college.

You can listen to the entire interview here.

Island Health Director Sharing Front Line Work on Aging on Islands (Video)

Director of Island Health Sharon Daley, RN is a leader in finding best ways to enable aging Maine islanders to live in their homes, communities. Maine Seacoast Mission was a cosponsor of this 2016 Aging on Islands Conference.

In this 38-minute presentation, you will hear Director Sharon Daley and colleagues give the conference audience their Perspective from the Islands. This work, panel Moderator Wendy Wolf reminds the audience, is “work” these professionals do “day-to-day.”

The Panel: Moderator: Wendy Wolf, President, Maine Health Access Foundation, Panelists: Sharon Daley, Maine Seacoast Mission and Islesboro Boardman Cottage, Maura Michaels, Islesboro Boardman Cottage, Lindsey Beverage, Southern Harbor Eldercare Services, Del Webster, Vinalhaven.

Aging on Islands Conference 2016 Poster


Elves Workshop is Ready. Starts Saturday November 26th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Elves Workshop is Ready. Starts Saturday November 26th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Elves Workshop 2016

Each year, through Christmas events and programs, Maine Seacoast Mission distributes about 10,000 holiday gifts to more than 3,200 children, families, nursing home residents, and prisoners at Christmastime.

This includes the “Elves’ Workshop” in the Weald Bethel Community Center at our Downeast Campus in Cherryfield, ME. At the “Elves Workshop,” people can choose the gifts to give their families.

The tradition of Mission Christmas presents began more than 100 years ago when the Mission brought gifts to island residents and lighthouse keepers.

To find out how you can help the 2016 Christmas program, download the 2016 Christmas Wish List (PDF) and/or contact Marilyn Nickson.

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