by maineseacoast | Nov 14, 2019 | Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News, Weald Bethel Community Center

CHERRYFIELD, ME — With days getting colder, it’s the perfect season for a vegetable-based soup that can welcome almost everything the garden has provided.
Learn to Make Vegetable-Based Soups from Macie O’Dwyer – 11:30-1:30, Sat, Nov. 16, Weald Bethel Community Center, Maine Seacoast Mission Cherryfield campus. Hosted by the Women’s Health Resource Library. Free pre-registration required. Call 546-7677 or register online.
by maineseacoast | Jul 3, 2019 | Downeast Campus, Maine Seacoast Mission, News

CHERRYFIELD, ME — This photo taken at a recent EdGE Kids’ Kitchen Summer Camp show Rose M. Gaffney Elementary students outside their comfort zone, trying new foods, and learning cooking skills, food preparation, and cutting skills.
The Mission takes a multi-faceted approach to reducing hunger and the threat of hunger in western Washington County.
We know different populations experience different obstacles to obtaining enough food. The challenges a third-grader faces are not the same as those encountered by an eighty-year old.
Our food programs go beyond simply delivering quality food. Each program promotes social interactions, builds a sense of community, and encourages learning about nutrition, trying new foods, making healthy food choices, and talking about food and nutrition. We hope to impact area residents’ eating habits, including the next generation’s habits, in order to create a stronger, healthier, and more informed community.
Learn about EdGE Summer Camps and the Mission’s Food Programs/Services.
by maineseacoast | Jul 25, 2017 | Downeast Campus, News
He Shares His Love of Farming—and His Crops—with Local Schoolchildren
by Brett Leveridge

Michael Hayden (left) and Wendy Harrington (right) sharing fresh vegetables with Washington County, ME school children.
CHERRYFIELD, ME – Guideposts magazine visited our Downeast Campus earlier this year, interviewing Director Wendy Harrington and Michael Hayden. The result? A new story addition to Guideposts’ “collection of slideshows.., inspirational quotes, beautiful photos, and powerful stories of hope.”
The story begins, “A former social worker, Michael Hayden came to love farming while working in a program that helped developmentally disabled adults live and work on a farm alongside other families. “I had never farmed before,” said Michael, “but I learned. And I loved it. I saw how being on the land and eating what grew there nourished people—adults and kids of all ages and abilities.”
[H]e met Wendy Harrington…. She had the idea that the Mission could set up its own farmer’s market.
Wendy asked if [Michael] would be interested in a salaried position that allowed him to visit local schools to talk about his crops and to hand out bags of his produce to the students.
Full story and slideshow
by maineseacoast | May 22, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Events

Please join us, May 28th, for this Sunday’s Downeast Table of Plenty. If you would like to host a meal, you can go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or contact Wendy Harrington.
Cherryfield, ME — Sunday afternoons, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at our Downeast Table of Plenty, everyone is welcome to share satisfying, home-cooked meals.
People age two to ninety, from every segment of the community attend. Music, conversation, and laughter preside. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.
The Table of Plenty takes place in the EdGE building on our Downeast Campus every Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Meals are provided by volunteers.
If you would like to host a meal, you can go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or contact Wendy Harrington.
by maineseacoast | May 15, 2017 | Downeast Campus, Events, Uncategorized

Please join us, May 21st, for this Sunday’s Downeast Table of Plenty. If you would like to host a meal, you can go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or contact Wendy Harrington.
Cherryfield, ME — Sunday afternoons, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at our Downeast Table of Plenty, everyone is welcome to share satisfying, home-cooked meals.
People age two to ninety, from every segment of the community attend. Music, conversation, and laughter preside. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.
The Table of Plenty takes place in the EdGE building on our Downeast Campus every Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. Meals are provided by volunteers.
If you would like to host a meal, you can go to the calendar website Sign Up and schedule your Sunday or contact Wendy Harrington.