The Bulletin
The Bulletin is a print and online magazine in which we share powerful stories from our work. Informative and inspiring, The Bulletin reports on the resilient people living in island and Downeast communities, committed Mission staff making a difference, and other important Mission news. The Bulletin is mailed to our donors and available to read online.
The Maine Seacoast Mission eNewsletter is a monthly email full of the latest Mission news, staff profiles, and other items that keep Mission family and friends in the loop. Fill out the form to get the Mission eNewsletter delivered to your email inbox, and make sure to add us to your trusted email list.
The Island Reader
The Mission also publishes The Island Reader, an annual collection of writing and visual art created by island residents published by the Mission to showcase the talent of outer-island residents. Started in 2006, The Island Reader often includes entries from year-round residents from all of Maine’s sixteen inhabited islands.
Since 2006, Sunbeam, a 74-foot vessel, and its caring crew have provided a floating, winter oasis for The Island Reader’s team. The Sunbeam and its crew are an extension of the process, expertise, and resources that make publishing The Island Reader possible.
To order a hard copy of the current, browse prior editions digitally, and understand more about The Island Reader’s impact, please visit our dedicated page on the publication.
Our work is your work, made possible by your generous gifts.
No matter how hard times get, the Mission will be there, helping sustain and strengthen families and communities. Please join us. Your donations bring warmth when it’s cold, shed light where it’s dark, and give strength when burdens grow heavy.
Contact us to donate, volunteer, or arrange for planned giving.