A product photo illustrating Island Health Director Daley’s portable telemedicine set-up. (Photo courtesy AMD Global Telemedicine, Inc.)
BAR HARBOR, ME — Maine Seacoast Mission Island Health Director Sharon Daley will soon have portable telemedicine equipment to augment her floating telemedicine room aboard the Sunbeam V. The Sunbeam’s telemedicine room equipment uses videoconferencing and medical devices (i.e. stethoscope, blood pressure cuff) to connect island resident patients in real time with their medical providers. That connectivity relies on a land line for the Sunbeam to lock into.
Health Director Daley’s portable telemedicine gear is web-based, using Windows operating system, and fully usable on the latest Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers. The portable gear weighs around 12 pounds. Where there is a Maine island private room with an internet connection, Sharon can do her work with island patients.
The new telemedicine gear is especially useful when the Sunbeam is undergoing maintenance, or very high winds are keeping the boat in harbor. Traveling by other boats or airplane, Director Sharon Daley can maintain her island schedule.