CHERRYFIELD, ME — In July 2021 we changed the Mission Family Food Center into a place where our patrons could choose their foods. Our choice pantry offers patrons dignity and cuts down on food wasted. The pantry now has the feel and look of a grocery store complete with signs to showcase available foods.
The feedback is all positive. People tell us, “This is wonderful.” “Thank you for doing this, it is amazing.” “I feel better about coming to the food pantry.” “I don’t have to feel bad about throwing food away because now I can get only what I am going to use.” “Thank you for having an organic section.”
Mission Food Security and Sustainability Programs Coordinator Megan Smith said, “I look forward to coming to work each day knowing this change has made a huge difference in how our patrons view coming to the food pantry. Also, it gives me an opportunity to engage with patrons and get to know them better.”