CHERRYFIELD, ME — In April 2017, Portland-based Lerner Foundation chose the Mission’s EdGE program to partner with the Foundation in its $7M Aspirations Incubator Program (AIP).

In November 2018, the Mission hosted Learner Foundation’s AIP meeting with Incubator grantees. Learn more in Lerner Foundation’s blog post.

Convening 3 in Cherryfield: What We Learned, and What We’re Counting On

On a cold morning in November, we met with our Aspirations Incubator grantees, including program managers and senior staff from their organizations. Maine Seacoast Mission hosted our gathering, including a sleepover at their community center for some of the participants, and we’re grateful for their hospitality.

This was the third convening of grantees we’ve held since 2017. Don Carpenter, our senior program officer, says, “What excited me was the general sense of commitment to our collective efforts that we’re all making toward loving young people growing up in Maine and helping to raise their aspirations. The power of relationships was on full display, and the programmatic ideas being introduced and discussed was really inspiring.”

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