“I learned to play the electric guitar, but I also learned how to be confident.” That’s how Hannah, a student in the Mission’s EdGE afterschool program, describes her experience of studying music with Maine Academy of Modern Music (MAMM) during EdGE. This innovative, 14-year partnership between the Mission and MAMM allows students to take music lessons without financial burden. With a longstanding commitment to bring music to Washington County kids, MAMM selected the Mission for the 2022 Community Partner Award.

When the pandemic forced learning online, Isaac Marnik, EdGE Program Director, worked with MAMM to open the Mission’s Downeast campus to students so they could continue taking classes virtually. Something that Hannah is very thankful for. “My instructor (Cody Phipps) spent quite a bit of time helping me with concepts I struggled with, never making me feel bad for not understanding, and always encouraging me to keep trying. So, to him I am extremely grateful. The lessons truly meant a lot to me because now I can express myself through music and I was able to help my friends learn how to as well.”
MAMM’s courses allow students who are interested in music the space to explore their options during weekly lessons in a small group. Kids could take lessons on a variety of musical instruments, and it gave students an opportunity to work with adults who share their passion for music.
“It is meaningful to partner with an organization who shares common ground around programming. MAMM has a talented musical staff across the state and connecting those individuals to the students in our programs provides a richer experience for young learners.” said Marnik, EdGE Program Director for Maine Seacoast Mission. “We would not have been able to offer the quality of music programming without the MAMM support.”
“We’re so proud to be counted as part of MAMM’s amazing band of rock stars.” said John Zavodny, the Mission’s President. “The Maine Seacoast Mission is thrilled to partner with MAMM to help give music to kids so they can enjoy a lifetime of confidence, creativity, collaboration, and wellness. Music can change lives. It changed mine. Shout out to Rob, David, and Tim, my first bandmates in Nuclear Mudd & the Dirt Bomz, circa 1980!”
Marnik adds, “It is honor to receive an award for being a community partner with MAMM. This strong partnership has allowed more students in Downeast Maine to have an opportunity to experience music.”
The Mission will receive the award at MAMM’s Chords for Kids Scholarship Gala on Saturday, November 19 in Portland. Obtain your tickets at at MAMM’s website. To Learn more about the EdGE program and the initiatives it offers or to enroll a child.