Photos and text by Douglas Cornman
Director of Island Outreach

Sunbeam in Jonesport, ME Harbor

Sunbeam in Jonesport, ME Harbor

The entire Downeast trip was great, including both open houses. It was helpful to see and hear the community’s enthusiasm for reestablishing a relationship with the Maine Seacoast Mission, given the history that the Mission has with Jonesport and the Downeast community. I think that the Jonesport community members and leaders appreciated learning about the Mission and its programs and seeing the Sunbeam. The harbormaster seemed particularly happy to welcome the Sunbeam Open HouseSunbeam into his harbor. It was really heartwarming to see his joy and pride at offering her a place to tie up while we visited.

I am always reminded of the Sunbeam‘s impact when islanders, or in this case, residents of coastal communities offer memories and stories of the various Sunbeams. I heard stories about Sunbeams III & IV on our trip to Jonesport. Most related to receiving gifts at Christmas or interactions had with past crew members. All of the stories were told with warmth, appreciation, and gratitude. It really is humbling to receive these stories and to be included in the developing history of Sunbeam V. These stories seem to be a way of saying thank you for caring about our past, present, and future. What an amazing gift.

Good morning, Jonesport

Good morning, Jonesport

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