CHERRYFIELD, ME — Responsibility, self reliance, and interdependency are themes used by staff with area students during the Mission’s Fall 2018 EdGE Marion Kane Leadership program. These themes are reflected in the basic outdoor survival skills shown in the program student made Public Service Announcement video.

With additional help available, EdGE Assistant Director Isaac Marnik said staffers are returning to schools, once or twice a month, from now until April, for leadership follow-up work on the same themes with the students who took part in the Marion Kane Leadership Fall 2018 program.

Assistant Director Marnik said the Kane Leadership follow-up sessions were stopped for awhile because of staffing shortage. “But we wanted to start it again. It will be valuable to the students to have the follow-up,” Marnik said.

The leadership follow-up will be “a regular part of their day, so for students at school that day, they will be attending the followup,” Marnik said.

Learn more about the Mission EdGE Marion Kane Leadership Program.

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