Photos by Hunter Billings

CHERRYFIELD, ME — Just because we haven’t posted news of our Downeast Table of Plenty (DETOP) Sunday dinners in awhile doesn’t mean we don’t love them anymore. To the contrary, DETOP dinners are thriving in the new Weald Bethel Community Center at the Mission Cherryfield Campus.

People from every segment of the community attend, and music, conversation, and laughter preside. Two-year olds sit next to ninety-year olds. Hunger and loneliness are nowhere in sight.

DETOP happens every Sunday, 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Meals are provided by volunteers who offer in advance to prepare and serve that Sunday’s food and drink. If you or your group are interested in hosting a DETOP meal please send an email Wendy Harrington. Thank you.

Learn more about our Downeast Campus activities.

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