Community Profile: The Island Reader Editors

by | Mar 24, 2025 | News

Every fall, a request goes out to the residents of Maine’s unbridged islands, asking them to send in their prose, photographs, poetry, and paintings to The Island Reader. Then, in the spring, the editors go through the submissions helping put together the final issue which will be published in June. The work of school children is highlighted alongside that of fishermen, retirees, and published artists.  

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When The Island Reader began in 2006 as a thin, black and white, saddle-stapled arts anthology displaying the work of artists living on four of Maine’s unbridged islands. Over the years, it has evolved into a publication featuring the work of artists and writers from 16 unbridged islands. After the editors met this Spring, they talked more about their connection to The Island Reader and their favorite part of the publishing process.  

Kendra Chubbuck, Isle au Haut 

 How did you decide to be an editor for The Island Reader 

I was asked if I wanted to be an editor, and I jumped at the chance. I love reading and writing and everything about the creative process. I’m also a lifetime learner as I’m always attending workshops and classes. 

 What is your favorite part of being an editor?  

Collaborating with the other editors and organizing The Island Reader. The discussions we have deciding on the front cover and how the setup of The Island Reader comes together are quite a process and we all have a say. Gary [Rainford, Editor-in-Chief] does a wonderful job collecting and organizing the work to get it into book form for us. We couldn’t do it without his expertise. 

Ingrid Gaither, Great Cranberry Island  

How did you decide to be an editor for The Island Reader? 

I was a fan of The Island Reader before I was invited to join the editorial team. I considered it a real privilege to be asked, and I was glad to join.   

What is your favorite part of being an editor? 

It’s hard to pick a favorite because all the parts are enjoyable! I respect each member of the team and it’s rewarding to get to work together in person on the Sunbeam after meeting online the rest of the year. But I think my favorite part is publishing submissions from regular people (non-professionals) or people who may be shy about submitting. There’s so much talent, even what may be considered amateur talent, on the islands and I love that we can feature that in a beautiful book that many will see and appreciate. Most publications purposely weed out the non-professionals or the not famous and The Island Reader does the opposite. I think that’s something to be proud of. I love that a 5-year-old artist can be featured on the same page as a well-known and published artist.   

Kimberly Peabody, Matinicus  

When and how did you decide to be an editor for The Island Reader 

The Island Reader needed an additional editor, and I was approached. It is an honor to collaborate with the group of editors we have. I am a writer and love photography and art, so participating in the making of The Island Reader is a good way to feed that part of me that I don’t always allow time for myself. 

What is your favorite part of being an editor?  

My favorite part of being an editor is learning about other islands through the submitted pieces. The Island Reader showcases a variety of genres and levels of experience. When you pick up a copy, you are visiting each unbridged island through the contributor’s art. 


Kristy Mckibben, Matinicus 

How did you decide to be an editor for The Island Reader? 

I was asked to be an editor last summer by Douglas [Cornman, Director of Island Outreach] when an opening became available.  

What is your favorite part of being an editor? 

My favorite part of being an editor was reading and viewing all the excellent submissions. We had a plethora of good choices, so choosing was difficult. 

Gary Rainford, Editor-in-Chief, Swan’s Island  

How did you decide to be an editor for The Island Reader? 

In 2008, I was a contributor to The Island Reader. The following year, because I was asked, I became an editor on Volume IV. Since then, I’ve formatted the covers and typeset each anthology. 

What is your favorite part of being an editor? 

My favorite part is working with island artists and being part of a unique, creative, and ongoing conversation about art. 

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